Lab Assistant and Lab Technician Loksewa Exam Model Questions

Lab Assistant and Lab Technician Loksewa Exam Model Questions

2 years ago

Lab Assistant and Lab Technician Loksewa Exam Model Questions

Lab Assistant and Lab Technician Loksewa Exam Model Questions 

1. Gravindex latex particles agglutination test Detects...

A. Rh. factor in the blood

B. HCG in urine #

C. HCG in CSf

D. HCG in blood

2. In Pregnancy Test,......Is detected.

A. Carbohydrate

B. Protein

C. ENzyme

D. Hormone #

3. CSF sample is taken from......

A. Vein puncture

B. Artery Puncture

C. lumber Puncture #

D. all the above

4. Normal sperm count is....

A. 60-150 millions/dl of semen

B. 60-150 millions/dl of semen #

C. 60-150 millions/litre of semen

D. 60-150 thousand/ml of semen

5. Full form of ELISA is.........

A. Enzyme lost immuno Sorbent Assay

B. Enzyme linked immuno Sorbent Assay #

C. Enzyme Linked immuno Shortage Assay

D. Enzyme lost immuno Shortages Assay

6. ........... is the science of the structure of human body

A. Human anatomy #

B. Histology

C. Cytology

D. Physiology

7. A Specialist in childrens disease is called....

A. Orthopedist

B. Paediatrician #

C. Optician

D. None of the Above

8. A Specialist In Eye DiseaSE Is Called..

A. Orthopedist

B. Paediatrician #

C. optician

D. None of the above

9. The Disease Which is transmitted from vertebrae aniamals to man (like rabies) called.....

A. Zoonosis #

B. Epizootic

C. Exotic

D. None of the above

10. Epitaxis Means:...........

A. GI bleeding

B. Bleeding from the nose #

C. Coughting out of the blood

D. Haemoptysis

11. The Human Body Devlops from a single cell called........

A. Zygote #

B. Ovum

C. Spermatoza

D. Blastocyt

12. Total number of chromosome in ovum or sperm Before fertilization is,.......

A. 46

B. 23 #

C. 22

D. 44

13. AIDS which is a fatal diseae is transmitted by....

A. Sexual intercourse

B. Transfusion of infected blood

C. Infected mother to foetus

D. all of the above #

14. AIDS is a global problem, AIDS Stands for......

A. Acquired immuno deprieved Syndrome

B. ALI immunity Deficiency situation

C. Aggravated immune deficiency Syndrome

D. acquired Immune deficiency syndrome #

15. Blood Transfusion May transmitt all the disease except....

A. Hepatitis B


C. Syphilis

D. Tuberculosis #

16. AIDS is the disease of.........


B. Skin

C. BLood

D. immunity #

17. Diarrhoea Means increases the......

A. Frequency #

B. Fludity

C. Volume

D. All Of the above

18. The instrument used to measures BP is called.

A. Stethoscope

B. Sphygmomanometer #

C. Both

D. Placed over radial artery

19. Choose the correct average value of BP.....

A. 120/80 mmhg #

B. 140/100 mm Hg

C. 160/120 mm Hg

D. 180/180 mm Hg

20. " Milk borne " disease is

A. Anthrax

B. Tuberculosis

C. Brucellosis

D. all of the above #

21. Pathological term for bleeding is....

A. Ischemia

B. Hemorrhage #

C. Thrombosis

D. Embolism

22. A Prostitute can have....


B. Hepatitis

C. SYphilis

D. All of the above #

23. The mantoux test positive indicates.....

A. That the patient ha no TB

B. That the patient ha infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis #

C. That the patient ha infection with pneumococci

D. None of the above

24. The Virus Which Causes AIDS is a retrovirus known as HIV(RNA Virus). HIV stand for....

A. Highly immune deficiency virus

B. Highly important and dangerous virus

C. Human immune deficiency virus #

D. None of the above

25. HTST is a sterilization method, HTST stand for....

A. Huge time short temprature

B. High time short temprature

C. Happy time shirt tight

D. HIgh temprature short time #

26. All the Following are the Basic modes of transmission OF AIDS, except......

A. Sexual transmission

B. Transfusion of blood and blood product

C. Transplacental transmision ( mother to foefus)

D. By clapping and Shacking of hard #

27. Which is the confirmatory test For AIDS.....

A. ELISIA test

B. WIdals test

C. WEstern blot test #

D. Cosonis test

28. The Particular test carried out for the confirmation of irregular growth of caells or malignant cancer

is known as....

A. Pathology

B. Biopsy #

C. autopsy

D. Cancer Test

29. Gall bldder is for;.......

A. storarge of bile #

B. Secretion of bile

C. Storage of urine

D. Production of WBC

30. Amylase is found in....

A. Bile

B. Gastric juice

C. saliva

D. Saliva and pancreatic juice #

31. When blood in the body of a person does not have the the Ability for clotting this disease is called..

A. Colour-blindless


C. Jaundice

D. Hemophila #

32. Samples can be rejected and asked to repeat if the simple is...

A. unlabelled or improperly labelled

B. Damage or leaking container

C. Old or prolonged transportation without transport media

D. all of the above #

33. Which is correct Statement of the following "The laboratory samples must be processed as soon as

possible, if it is not possible, if it is not posible to process than....

A. The samples are placed in the refrigerator or cool and dryplace, or in the icebox.

B. CSF Samples can be placed in the incubator

C. The testing must not be delayed so that the results are succeful

D. all of the above #

34. For the Semen analysis patient should be advised to take the sample withhin.......hour in the


A. 1 #

B. 2

C. 3

D. d

35. Freshly ejaculated semen has high viscosity self liquefaction should be completed after.......minute

A. 15

B. 30 #

C. 45

D. 2 hr

36. which is not composition of semen diluting fiuld.....

A. Sodium biacarbonae

B. Acetic acid #

C. phenol or formalin

D. All of the above

37. The reaction of semen is always...

A. Acidic

B. Alkaline #

C. Neutral

D. All of the above

38. The colour of semen is......

A. Watery

B. Amber

C. Opaque grey #

D. Black

39. " Ejaculation " is a terminology which is asscoiated with....

A. Blood

B. Semen #


D. All of the above

40. For the clearing of working bench,the effective disinfectant is

A. 5% Lysol

B. 1% sodium hypochlorite #

C. 70% ethanol

D. None of the above

41. To Prevant chemical hazards, the effective way is....

A. Proper training for handling the strong Chemicals

B. Label chemical properly

C. Prohibit mouth pipeting

D. all of the above #

42. Which his not "biosafety Precaution" of the following....

A. Always mouth pipetting in the laboartry #

B. use always micropipetters in the laboratry

C. Discard and auatclaved culture bottles

D. Always use the gloves

43. Which is not taken under laboratry code of unconduct" of the Following....

A. Always were rubber gloves while handling the infected wastes

B. Wear white coat all the times while working

C. Always wash the hand before leaving the lab.

D. Eating,drinking and Smoking is always applied in the lab #

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