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Lab PSC Exam Model Questions
2 years ago
Lab PSC Exam Model Questions
1. Which is the most susceptible experimental animal used for inoculation of leishmania donovani ?
A) Guinea pig
C) Rabbit
D) Mouse #
2. Morphological form of sarcocastis consists of:
A) Oocyst
B) Sporocyst
C) Sarcocyst #
D) All of the Above
3. Patients of post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis present with:
A) Hypopigmented mucules #
B) Erythematous patches
C) Yellowihs-pink nodules
D) All of the above
4. Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis of probably a sequel to infection with:
A) Leishmania donovani
B) Leishmania infantium
C) Leishmania tropica #
D) Leishmania major
5. Invertebrate host for leishmania tropica is:
A) Phlebotomus argentipes #
B) Phlebotomus orientalis
C) Phlebotomus sergenti
D) Phlebotomus patatasi
6. In leishmania tropica infection amastigote form resides in:
A) Clasmatocytes of skin #
B) Reticuloendothelia cells of viscera
C) Sandfly
D) Artificial culture medium
7. Leishmania tropica causes:
A) Kala-azar #
B) Oriental sore
C) Espundia
D) Chiclero's Ulcer
8. Leishmania braziliensis complex resides inside the macrophages of:
A) Skin and mucous membrane of nose and buccal cavity
B) In The internal organs #
C) in the peripheral blood
D) All of the Above
9. Espundia is caused by:
A) Leishmania mexicana complex
B) Leishmania braziliensis complex #
C) Leishmania peruviana
D) Leishmania chagasi
10. American visceral leishmaniasis is caused by:
A) Leishmania mexicana complex
B) Leishmania peruviana
C) Leishmania chagasi #
D) Leishmania tropica
Lab Exam Important MCQ'S
11. Which of the following trypanosomes is nonpathogenic ?
A) Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
B) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
C) Trypanosoma cruzi
D) Trypanosoma rangeli #
12. Changas' disease is caused by:
A) Trypanosoma brucei gamiense
B) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
C) Trypanosoma cruzi
D) Trypanosoma rangeli #
13. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection is transmitted by:
A) Female anopheles mosquito #
B) Tsets fly
C) Tratomine bug
D) Female Sandfly
14. Which stages of trypanosoma brucei gambiense is infective for mammalian host ?
A) Metacyclic trypomastigote
B) Long slender form #
C) Short stumpy form
D) Intermediate form
15. Which form of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is infective to tsetse fly ?
A) Long slender form
B) intermediate form #
C) Short stumpy form
D) Metacyclic trypomastigotes
16. Which of the following drugs is used to treat late secondary CNS stages to trypanosomiasis ?
A) Suramin
B) Pentamidine isethionate #
C) Melarsoprol
D) Amphotericin B
17. Chagoma is seen in infection with:
A) Trypanosoma brucei gambiense #
B) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
C) Trypanosoma cruzi
D) Trypanosoma rangeli
18. Which animal is used for xenodiagnosis of american trypanosomiasis ?
A) Guinea pig #
B) Mouse
C) Triatomine bug
D) Hamster
19. Commonest causes of steatorrhoea is:
A) Giardia lamblia
B) Entamoeba histolytica
C) Toxoplasma gondii
D) Naeglria fowleri #
20. Was discovered by:
A) Giardia lamblia
B) Lambl #
C) Leeuwenhoek
D) Robert koch
21. Enterotest is useful for the indentification of which of the following parasites ?
A) Entoeba histolytia
B) Robert #
C) Trichomonas hominis
D) Ryptosporidium parvum
22. In Trypanosoma cruzi infection the parasite from present muscular and nervous tissue is:
A) Amastigote
B) Promastigote
C) Trypomastigote #
D) Epimastigote
23. Non-ulcerated nodules are characteristic of:
A) Oriental sore
B) Espundia
C) Dermal leishmanoid
D) Kala azar #
24. Trypanosoma brucei gambiense is transmitted by:
A) Housefly #
B) Sandfly
C) Tsetse fly
D) Reduvid bug
25. Trypanosoma cruzi is transmitted by:
A) Sandfly
B) Testes fly
C) Housefly
D) Triatomine bug #
26. Sandfly is the vector of:
A) Leishmania donovani
B) Plasmodium falciparum #
C) Wuchereria bancrofti
D) Brugia malayi
27. Romana's sign is positive in:
A) Malaria
B) Filariasis
C) Chages' disease #
D) Kala-azar
28. Chiclero's ulcer is caused by:
A) Leishmania mexicana complex
B) Leishmania braziliensis complex
C) Leishmania tropica
D) Leishmania infantum #
29. Espundia is caused by:
A) Leishmania mexicana complex #
B) Leishmania braziliensis complex
C) Leishmania tropica
D) Leishmania infantum
30. Oriental sore is caused by:
A) Leishmania donovani
B) Leishmania infantum #
C) Leishmania aethiopica
D) Leishmania tropica
31. Which is the infective form of the malaria parasite ?
A) Oocyst
B) Sporozoite
C) Bradyzoite
D) Tachyzoite #
32. Resting stage to the malaria paraiste is known as:
A) Sporozoite
B) Trophozoite
C) Merozoite
D) Hypnozoite #
33. Relapse of malaria is not seen in infection with:
A) Plasmodium vivax #
B) Plasmodium ovale
C) Plasmodium falciparum
D) All of the above
34. For infection of Misquito, the blood of human carrier must contain atleast:
A) 6 gametocytes/ul
B) 8 gametocytes/ul
C) 10 gametocytes/ul
D) 12 gametocytes/ul #
35. Malaria infection can be transmitted by:
A) Bite to infection female anopheles mosquito
B) Blood transfusion #
C) Vertical transfusion
D) All of the above
36. Plasmodium falciparum is the most pathogenic of the human plasmodium spp. as:
A) It causes a high level of parasitaemia
B) It invades erythrocytes of all ages
C) Its everyrocytic schizogony takes place in the capillaries of internal organs
D) All of the above #
37. Which forms of plasmodium falciparum are generally absent in peripheral blood film of the
patient ?
A) Rings
B) Schizonts
C) Crescents
D) None of the above #
38. Crescent-shaped or banana-shaped gametocytes are seen in infection with:
A) Plasmodium vivax
B) Plasmodium falciparum
C) Plasmodium ovale
D) Plasmodium malariae #
39. Maurer's dotes in red blood cells are seen in infection with:
A) Plasmodium vivax
B) Plasmodium falciparum
C) Plasmodium malariae
D) Plasmodium ovale #
40. Quartan periodicity of malaria is seen in infection with:
A) Plasmodium vivax
B) Plasmodium falciparum
C) Plasmodium malariae
D) Plasmodium ovale #
41. Which drug used to eliminate exoerythrocytic parasites in the liver?
A) Chloroquine
B) Quinine
C) Primaquine
D) Mefloquine #
42. Which was the first arthropod-borne disease to be identified ?
A) Leishmaniasis
B) Trypanosomiasis
C) Malaria
D) Babesiosis #
43. Babesiosis is transmitted by bite of:
A) Mosquito
B) Sandfly
C) Reduviid bug #
D) Tick
44. Which is the infective stage of parasite in babesiosis ?
A) Sporozoite
B) Merozoite
C) Techyzoite #
D) Bradyzoite
45. Which animals is used for diagnosis of babesiosis ?
A) Hamster #
B) Fuinea pig
C) Mouse
D) Rabbit
46. Toxoplasma gondii lives inside the:
A) Lumen of small intestine
B) Lumen of large intestine #
C) Reticuloendothelial cells and many other nucleated cells
D) Red Blood cells
47. Oocysts of Toxoplasma gondii are seen in:
A) Domestic cat and other fellines #
B) Humans
C) Sheep
D) Cattle
48. During which trimester/s of pregnancy infection with Toxoplasma gondii is more severe ?
A) First #
B) Second
C) Third
D) Second and Third
49. Commonest manifestation or postnatally acquired infection with Toxoplasma gondii is:
A) Lymphadenopathy
B) Pneumonitis
C) Myocarditis
D) Meningoencephalitis
50. Intermediate host for sarcocystic hominis is:
A) Man
B) Cattle
C) Pig #
D) Cat
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