Zoology Important MCQ For Entrance Exam

Zoology Important MCQ For Entrance Exam

2 years ago

Zoology Important MCQ For Entrance Exam

Zoology Important MCQ For Entrance Exam

Zoology important mcq's for Common Medical Entrance Exam

1. Primary host of plasmodium is

a) Mosquito   b) Man    c) Bat    

d) a & b both

2. Liver of frog consist of

a) Single lobe   b) two lobes  c) three lobes  

d) four lobes

3. Claw of rabbit is modification of

a) epidermis   b) dermis   c) gstrodermis  

d) keratin

4. Head of Cockroach is formed by the fusion of:

a) 4 segment   b) 3 segments  c) 6 segments  

d) 7 segments

5. Vision of rabbit is

a) unilocular   b) binocular   c) superpositional

d) none

6. Liver rot is caused by

a) fasciola    b) schistosoma c) Teania   

d) echinococus

7. Which of the following is present on epidermis of hydra ?

a) muscular cells  b) germcells  c) nematoblasts 

d) all of the above

8. Founder of paleontology is

a) G. Curner   b) George cuvier

c) Errasmus Darwin d) Empedocles

9. Which of not involved in respiration of frog ?

a) diaphragm   b) lungs   c) skin d) buccal cavity

10. DenfiGon in frog is

a) Homodont  b) Heterodont c) The codont 

d) Biodont

11.Lateral line organs is found in

a) Amphibian  b) Gnathastomata c) Osteichthyes

d) Reptilia

12. Egg lacks

a) fat     b) protein  c) Chotesterol  d) Vitamin C

13. Dengue fever caused by

a) Arbovirus  b) Rubella virus c) Rhubdovirus

 d) Mumps virus

14. World's Health day is

a) 24ᵗʰ march   b) 7’° April   c) Sᵗʰ June   

d) 14ᵗʰ June

15. Longest cranial nerve is

a) vagus    b) opfic    c) olfactory   d) facial

16. Latrogenic infection means

a) Pharmacy    b) Hospital acquired

c) physician induced d) Latrine acquired

17. Which is not synovial joint

a) hip joint   b) wrist joint  c) ankle joint  

d) intervertebral joint

18. Dancing muscle is

a) illacus    b) Hamstring  c) psoas   

d) Quadriceps femoris

19. Which of the following is not zoonotic disease

a) Dengue    b) Plague   c) Yellow fever  d) Cholera

20.Kidney Secrete Hormone

a) Renin    b) Rennin   c) Tyalin   d) Peptide

21. Father of mutation

a) Hugo de vries  b) G.J. Mendel c) William Harvey d) Louis Pasteur

22. Which of the blood group from ABO blod grouping system is known as

universal blood doner"

a) 0+ve     b) 0+ve    c) AB+ve d) AB-ve

23. Osmoregulation in Amoeba in controlled by

a) Plas malemma b) Plsamagel

c) exosmosis   d) contracfile vacuole

24. Common bath sponge is

a) Sponge    b) Spengilla

c) exosmosis  d) Hya1onema

25. Which one of the following types of cell5 in Hydra bears both flagella &

Pseudopodia ?

a) Secreatiary cells b) Gland cells

c) Epithelial   d) Nutrihve cells

26. lnfechve state of Ascaris lumbricoides is

a) filariform carva      b) cysticereus

c) Rhabditiform larva     d) Hexacanth larva

27. Hydra of is unable to digest

a) Protein   b) Sugar c) Starch   d) Fat

28. Body segment of Taenia solium is

a) Progolttid   b) Scolez c) Prostomium  

d) None of the above

29. Heart in earthworm occur in segment

a) 6,7&9,10  b) 7,9&12,13  c) 9,10& 14,15 

d) None of these

30. Sea urchin is the common name of

a) Asterias  b) Asteropectan c) Schino cardium

d) Cypeaster

31. The Centrum ef 8th vertebra of frog is

a) Amphicoelus  b) Acoelus  c) Procoelus  

d) Opisthocoelus

32. Segment having no setae in earthworm

a) first    b) last    c) clitellar   d) 1”, last & litella

33. Sleeping sickne55s in man is cau5ed by

a) Tsetse fly  b) Sandfly  c) Housefly  d) Mosquito

34. Study of moluscane shells means

a) Carcinology  b) Chidology c) Conchology 

d) Malacology

35. Which protozoan is unlikely to have contracñle vacuole

a) Euglena   b) Plasmodium c) Paramecium 

d) Amoeba

36. The characteristic features of sponges

a) Gastoro   b) Canal system c) Hypostoma 

d) Tenacles

37. The earthworm moves with the help of

38. Green gland is present in

a) Crab    b) prawn   c) Cockroach  d) Swrpton

39. The intermediate host in case of liver fluke is

a) Snail     b) Fly    c) Pig d. man

40. Ponuguese man of war is a

a) Coral    b) physalia   c) obelia d) pennantula

41. Peristomium is present in which segment ?

a) 1st segment       b) 1“ and 2"° segment

c) 2°ᵈ and 3ʳᵈ segment      d) 1“, 2'ᵈand 3’ᵈ segment

42. The spicules forming cells in sponges are

a) chaonocytes  b) scleroblasts c) pinacocyes 

d) porocysts

43. How many "IatRral hearts" are found in earthworm *

a) 8 (4 pairs)   b) 1 pair   c)6 (3 pairs)  

d) 12 (6 pairs)

44. Which is analogous to poison gland of snake ?

a) parorid gland  b) salivary gland c) Thyroid gland d) Adrenal gland

45. Stucture that provides nutrition to spermatozoa

a) se%ali cells  b) leydig cells c) vas deferens 

d) seminal vesicle

46. Y-shaped bone in skull of frog is

a) pterygoid   b) palatine  c) squamosal  

d) quadrate

47. Which bone in frog's skull is unpaired ?

a) premaxilla  b) pterygoid  c) palatine  

d) parasphenoid

48. Guinea worm is

d) Dranunclucus  b) Loa    c) Trichinella  

d) Wucheria

49. Which of the following is a molluse.

a) Cuttle hsh   b) Dog f1sh   c) Star fish   

d) Jelly fish

Zoology Important Questions For CEE Entrance Exam

1. Protozoa in which binary fission occurs along the longitadinal place, are

placed under.

a) Rlizopoda   b) Ciliophora  c) Mastigofonosa  

d) Sporozon

2. Protozoa which completely lack tnophic organ celles are classified under,

a) Sporozoa   b) Rhizopoda  c) Cillisphora  

d) Flagellate

3. The main function micronucleus in paramecium is

a) ContrDl of cellular activites  b) Solely concerned with sexual reptoouction

c) Control of activity of meganucleus  d)Control of reproduction

4. Besides erythrocytes, the plasmodium attaches one more type of cells in our body, these are

a) Kidney cells  b) Hepatocytes c)Muscle cells  

d) Nerve cells

5. Contractive vacuole is present in

a) Fresh water pnolozoans

c) both (a) & (b)

b) marine protozoa

d) parasite pnotozoans

6. A diagenic protozoan parasite is

a) Monocystic  b) opalina

c) Plasmodium d) Amoeba histolytica

7. Trypanosoma is transmitted by

a) Contaminated food    b) physical contact

c) inoculation       d) Mosquitoes

8. The most widely accepted theory of locomotion in amoeba is

a) contraction hydraulic theory  b) Rolling Movement theory

c) Surface tension theory    d) Mast's sole-gel theory

9. If an electric current is passed through water, which has amoeba in it, they

will move.

a) towards anode       b) towards cathode

c) in between anode & cathode  d) as usual

10. The mode of digestion in amoeba is

a) extracelluar

c) both intra & extracelluar

b) intracelluar

d) any of the above

11. The trapozoite of plasmodiUlTl IiVRs in

a) Erthrocytes of man      b) liver cells

c) stomach of mosquito     d) blood plasma

12. Vegetative phase of plasmodium in erythrocytes of man is called

a) sporozoite   b) Trophozeite c) Merzoite  

d) Cryptozoite

13. The malarial parasite in man wa5 discovered by

a) Gnassi    b) Lateran   c) Ronald Ross  

d)Tate & Jamer

14. Male gametocytes of plasmodium have

a) Granular cytoplasm & small eccentric nucleus

b) Clear Cytoplasm & a large central nucleus

c) Food lader cytolasm & central nucleus

d) agranular cytoplasm & central nucleus

15. Plasmodium malarias causes

a) Mild tertian malaria    b) Benign tert1an malaria

c) Quartan malaria      d) Qunfidian malaria

16. Entamoeba can be identihed from amoeba due to the absence of

a) Paeudopodia      b) ContraCñlevacuole

c) Nucleus        d) Fod VdCuoles

17. If a marine species of amoeba, more internal levied are isotonic with the

surrounding sea water, is placed in a hypotonic medium.

a) It take5 up water, swells & dies

b) It dies because its metatolic organelleds swell enormously

c) It forms no contractile vacuole

d) It develops a contractile vacuole

18. The catobolic waster in amoeba consists of

a) water & co2

b) water, co2 & numeral substances

c) water, co2, mineral substances & area

d)aII of (a), (b) & (c) including fatty acids & glycerol.

19. infechve form of E-histolytica which pass from person to person is

a) Trophozoctes      b) Tetnanucleateamoeba

c) Quadrinualeate cysts    d) all of these

20. Cause of chills & body pains & the symptoms of malaria fiver is.

a) Release of merogoiter in blood b) naemozoin

c) Schuffner's granules    d) both (a) & (c)

21. The disease closed by trypanosoma cruzi is

a) Sleeping sicknes5    b) Chaga's disease

c) Kala-azar       d) Oriental sore

22. Sponges with a seleton of claciom carbonate belong to the class

a) Calcarea        b) Hexachnellida

c) Demos pongia      d) Anthozoa

23. Most common method of reproduction in sponges is

a) triploblast1c organization   b) Coelenteron

c) Canal system d) Coelom

24. Most common method of reproduction in sponges is

a) binary fission  b) budding  c) multiple fission

d) sexual reproduction

25. Bath-sponge belongs to the class

a) Calearea  b) Hexactinellida c) Demospongia

d) porifera

26. Common bath sponge is

a) Eoplectella   b) Euspongia  c) Spongilla   

d) Sycon

27. Digestion on spongews is

a) Intracellular

c. both (a) and (b)

b. extracellular

d) extracellular

28. Cboanocytes in sponges are present

a) or, the external body surface  b) line the gastric cavity

c) reproduction        d) respiration

29. Nematocysts are the organs of

a) defense and oPence     b) sensation

c) reproduction        d) respiration

30. Body wall of coelenterates is described as

a) diploblshc         b) triploblastic

c) molticellular cylinder     d) integument