Staff Nurse Loksewa Exam Old Questions | Nursing License Exam Old Questions

Staff Nurse Loksewa Exam Old Questions | Nursing License Exam Old Questions

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Staff Nurse Loksewa Exam Old Questions | Nursing License Exam Old Questions

Staff Nurse Loksewa Exam Old Questions | Nursing License Exam Old Questions

1. Which is the largest Muscle ?

A) Gluteus maximus #

B) Sartorius

C) Masseter

D) Stapedius

2. Which is not a Special sense organs in the sensory system ?

A) Teeth #

B) Skin

C) Tongue

D) Eye

3. Which is the longest organ of digestive system in the human body ?

A) Oesophagus

B) Stomach

C) Small intestine #

D) Large intestine

4. What are the activities of digestive system

A) Ingestion

B) Digestion

C) Both (A) and (B) #

D) Expression

5. Length of female urethra is

A) 18 cm

B) 12 cm

C) 8 cm

D) 4 cm #

6. The life span of erythrocytes is

A) 60 days

B) 90 days

C) 120 days #

D) 125 days

7. The process of bone formation is called.

A) Ossification #

B) Calcification

C) Osteoid formation

D) Epiphyseal plate

8. What are the sign of Cushing syndrome ?

A) Large thights

B) Pendulous abdomen

C) Large upper arms

D) Posterior neck fat pad and thin extermities #

9. Which is the following disease is not included in the respiratory system ?

A) Epilepsy #

B) Bronchitis

C) Pulmonary TB

D) Pleurisy

10. How many step should be follow for home delivery services ?

A) 3 #

B) 5

C) 7

D) 10

11. Which is not major killer disease ?

A) Diarrhoea

B) Mesles

C) Tuberculosis

D) Scabies #

12. When adopted the National health policy in BS

A) 2046

B) 2048 #

C) 2050

D) 2063

13. What are the sources of data collection ?

A) Patient

B) Patient's family

C) Patient's chart's and Records

D) All of the above #

14. Where is the remittent fever seen

A) Typhoid fever #

B) Rheumatic fever


D) Malaria

15. When world health day is celebrated on

A) 7th April Each Year #

B) 10th April Each Year

C) 15th April Each Year

D) 20th April Each Year

16. Full liquid diet contains are

A) carbohydrate

B) Fat

C) Protein

D) All of the Above #

17. The yellow fever is transmitted by the Bit of

A) Mises

B) Rat

C) Aedes Mosquito #

D) Lice

18. What is the study of fungus called

A) Fungology

B) Mycology #

C) Mythology

D) Algology

19. What are the sign of severe dehydration

A) Skin pinch goes backs slowly

B) Lethargic or unconscious baby #

C) Thirsty

D) All of The Above

20. Inflammation of the Brain Tissue is Called

A) Meningitis

B) Encephalitis #

C) Encephalosis

D) Epilepsy

21. In Nepal DOTS Programme successful implemented throughout of the country

A) 2000

B) 2001 #

C) 2002

D) 2003

22. The influenza is caused by

A) Virus #

B) Bacteria

C) Protozoa

D) Fungi

23. All organs are affected in hypertension except ?

A) Eye

B) Brain

C) Liver #

D) Heart

24. Rainbow like vision is seen in

A) Trachoma

B) Glaucoma #

C) Cataract

D) Corneal ulcer

25. The study of Epidemiology is called

A) Disease Frequency, determainants and distribution #

B) Disease study

C) Disease Control only

D) Data analysis

Staff Nurse Loksewa Exam Old Questions | Nursing License Exam Old Questions

26. IUCD works for family planning

A) 5 years

B) 8 years

C) 10 years

D) 12 years #

27. How many tools are included in the supervision activities in Nursing Programme ?

A) 9

B) 10

C) 11 #

D) 12

28. How many steps should be followed for community diagnosia ?

A) 8

B) 10 #

C) 15

D) 7

29. How many sources are used in health information system in health sector ?

A) 9 #

B) 10

C) 15

D) 20

30. All are killed vaccine except

A) BCG #


C) Meningitis

D) Rabies vaccine

31. When was the first case of AIDS detected in Nepal ?

A) 1978

B) 1988 #

C) 1998

D) 1968

32. it is formed by the innominate bones which articulate anteriorly at the symphysis

pubis and posteriorly with the sacrum at the sacrolle joints which are synovial joints and

it is:

A) Humerus

B) Femur

C) The pelvis #

D) Thoracid cage

33. Caput succedaneum of a neonate disappears after how many hours after birth ?

A) 40 hrs

B) 24 hrs

C) 80 hrs #

D) 90 hrs

34. When does the national safe motherhood programme was initiated ?

A) 1996

B) 1997 #

C) 1990

D) 2000

35. For non-immunized pregnant woman 2 does of 0.5ml of TT is Given at

A) 20-24 Weeks #

B) 30-36 weeks

C) 12-16 weeks

D) 8-12 weeks

36. At birth, the length of the baby measure about

A) 25 cm

B) 50 cm #

C) 75 cm

D) 100 cm

37. in teaching deep breathing and coughing exercise to a client, which teaching

method can be best used

A) Role play

B) Discussion

C) Exhibition

D) Demonstration #

38. Abortion is defined as the loss of pregnancy before the fetal is weeks of gestation

A) 20 week

B) 22 week #

C) 28 week

D) 26 week

39. Which of the following selects the female commonity health

A) VDC Chairman

B) member of mother group #



40. What incentive to the mother is given after delivery at health facilities ?

A) Rs. 1500/in mountain, Rs. 1000 In hill, Rs. 500/in tarai #

B) Rs. 500/in Mountain, Rs. 1000 in hill, Rs. 1500/in tarai

C) Rs. 1000/in mountain, Rs. 500 in hill, Rs. 1500. in tarai

D) Rs. 800/in mountain, Rs. 1000 in hill, Rs. 500/in tarai

41. Within 3 minutes after birth, the normal heart rate of the infant ma range between

A) 100-130 beats per minute

B) 100-180 beats per minute

C) 120-160 beats per minute #

D) 130-170 beats per minutes

42. One of the most common cause of hypotonic uterine dystocia is

A) Twin gestation #

B) Meternal anemia

C) Pelvic contracture

D) Pregnancy induce hypertension

43. Which of the following is antipsychiatric drug ?

A) Diazepam

B) Chlopromazine #

C) Librium

D) Lithium bicarbonate

44. A positive nursing action when caring for a middle aged depressed client is to

A) Pay chess with the client

B) Allow the client to make personal decision

C) Give company to client as often as possible #

D) Provide the client with frequent period of thinking time

45. The Process of influencing group activities towards accomplishment of goals in a

given situation is:

A) Leader

B) Leadership #

C) Management

D) Manager

46. Muscle tone is recorded bt the

A) Electro Encephlo Graphy (EEG)

B) Eloctro Cardio Graphy (EEG)

C) Eloctro Oculo Graphy (EOG)

D) Electro Myo Graphy (EMG) #

47. Following vaccines are live attenuated vaccines except


B) Oral polio

C) Japanese Encephalitis

D) Tetanus #

48. Trachoma is a chronic infectious disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, it is

disease of

A) Eye #

B) Lungs

C) Nose

D) Ear

49. The study of osteology is called

A) Bone #

B) Joint

C) Muscle

D) Nerve

50. Endometriosis is Characterized by

A) Amenorrhoea and insomania

B) Ecchimosis and petechia

C) Painful menstruation and backache #

D) Early osteoporosis and pelvic inflammation

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