Most Important Questions for Lab Assistant Loksewa Exam and Other Competitive Exam

Most Important Questions for Lab Assistant Loksewa Exam and Other Competitive Exam

2 years ago

Most Important Questions for Lab Assistant Loksewa Exam and Other Competitive Exam

Most Important Questions for Lab Assistant Loksewa Exam and Other Competitive Exam

1. Cells in hypertonic solution will:

A) Swell and burst

B) Dehydrate #

C) Dehyadratee

D) Not be affected

2. The solution used to fix a pap smear is:

A) Wright stain

B) Hematoxylin

C) Physiological saline

D) Cytospray #

3. Blood for an RBC count must be prepared from

A) EDTA blood #

B) Citrated blood

C) Heparinized

D) Oxalated blood

4. Which piece of histology equipment is not temperature dependent

A) Wax

B) Tissue Processor

C) Microtome #

D) Embedding center

5. During tissue processing, what is the correct sequence of steps

A) Clearing, dehydration, infiltration

B) Clearing, infiltration, dehydration

C) Dehydration, infiltration, Clearing

D) Dehydration, clearing, infiltration #

6. A biopsy is

A) a removal of biological fluid

B) the removal of an organ

C) a post mortem examination

D) excision of a representative tissue sample #

7. Fixation is important in tissue processing because it

A) prevents cell morphology changes and shrinkage

B) allows tissue to be examined in a life-like condition

C) facilitates the staining process

D) all of above #

8. The liquid portion of blood remaining after a clot has formed is called

A) The buffy coat

B) Serum #

C) Plasma

D) Lymph

9. Which test could not be performed on a serum sample

A) Iron

B) Vitamin B12

C) Total lipids

D) Clotting factors #

10. Dehaemoglobinization is related with

A) Thin smear

B) thick smear

C) Wet smear #

D) Impression smear

11. The common blood group is in Nepal

A) A #

B) B


D) O

12. Which of the following known as RBC-diluting fluid ?

A) Sodium citrate

B) Hayem's fluid

C) Toisson's fluid

D) All of the Above #

13. Process of neutrophil formation is

A) Haemopiessis

B) Embrogenesis

C) Haematogenessis

D) Granulopoieses #

14. In Haemoglobin iron is in

A) Ferrous form #

B) Ferric From

C) Fertilze From

D) All of above

15. Advantage of absence of nucleus in RBC

A) it gives to biconcavity of RBC #

B) it gives to biconvaxity of RBC.

C) It gives to maturity of RBC

D) All of above

16. DLC is done_____ of the smear

A) Head region

B) Tail Region

C) Body Region #

D) A & C

17. PT test perform for which organ test

A) Brain

B) Kidney

C) Lungs

D) Liver #

18. Most common Anamia in Nepal is

A) Iron deficiency Anaemia #

B) Vitamin B12 deficiency Anaemia

C) Follic acid deficiency Anaemia

D) All of above

19. Specific test for SLE is


B) Anti ds DNA #

C) Compliment level

D) RA factor

20. Normal Myeloid : erythroid ratio is

A) 2:1 #

B) 1:1

C) 3:1

D) 5:1

21. Rod Shaped bacteria known as

A) Cocco

B) Baccli #

C) Spiral

D) Spiral

22. Father of Microbiology

A) Louis Pasteur #

B) Robert koch

C) Antony von Leeuwenhoek

D) Knoll & Ruska

23. Basal Media contains

A) Peptone


C) Nacl

D) All of above #

24. Ziehl & Nelsen stain also known as

A) Gram positive staining

B) Acid fast staining #

C) Negative Staining

D) Gram Nigetive Staining

25. Size of virus is

A) 10 - 400nm #

B) 10-400um

C) 10-400mm

D) 10-400cm

26. Which virus is common causes of diarrhea in child

A) Pox

B) Parvo

C) Rota #

D) Calci

27. Pseudopodia is the locomotary organ of

A) Giardia #

B) Plasmodium

C) Entamoeba

D) Leishmania

28. Casoni's test is used for diagnosis of

A) Ascariasis

B) Espundia

C) Trichinelliasis

D) Hydatid #

29. Which media used for culture of fungi




D) All of Above #

30. Microscope examination of fungi by direct smear examination

A) KOH 10%

B) Indian ink

C) Gram stain

D) All of Above #

31. Specific test for syphilis





32. Type of ELISA

A) Direct

B) Indirect

C) Both #

D) Not any

33. RA factor test for diagnosis of

A) Rheumatoid arthritis #

B) Rheumatoid fever

C) Tissue necrosis

D) Inflammation

34. Diabetes insipidus is due to lack of following hormone


B) ADH #


D) All

35. Rothra's powder contains

A) Sodium nitroprusside

B) Sodium carbonate

C) Amonium sulphate

D) All of above #

36. Urea synthesis occur in

A) Kidney

B) Liver #

C) Stomach

D) Spleen

37. 1.4 mol/l of NaOH contains ........... gm of NAOH

A) 40

B) 56

C) 14

D) 1.4 #

38. Concentration of Nacl in normal saline is

A) 7.85%

B) 0.85% #

C) 0.9%

D) 0.10%

39. The end products of annaerobic glycolysis

A) Pyruvate

B) Actyl COA

C) Lactate #

D) Lactose

40. Presence of Blood in urine is called

A) Haematuria #

B) Blooduria

C) Mellituria

D) Chyluria

41. Normal value of HbA1C is

A) 3-6% #

B) 6-9%

C) 9-12%

D) 10-12%

42. The light path of cuvtte is

A) 1 cm #

B) 2 cm

C) 3 cm

D) 4 cm

43. Main heat producing organ is

A) Liver #

B) Kidney

C) Heart

D) Brain

44. Lenth of male urethra is

A) 5 cm

B) 15 cm #

C) 20 cm

D) 25 cm

45. Hormone responsible for ovulation


B) LH #

C) Estrogen

D) Progesterone

46. The liver has

A) 1 love only

B) 2 lobes #

C) 3 lobes

D) 4 lobes

47. Largest lymphatic organ is

A) Spleen #

B) Heart

C) Liver

D) Kidney

48. Organ Which act as 'blood bank' of the body

A) Spleen #

B) Heart

C) Liver

D) Kidney

49. Pap smear is related to

A) Cervix cancer #

B) Blood cancer

C) Lung cancer

D) Skin cancer

50. Seminal fluid is

A) Acidic

B) Alkaline #

C) Neutral

D) Not Any

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