HA PSC Exam Model Questions | Health Assistant Loksewa Exam Old Questions

HA PSC Exam Model Questions | Health Assistant Loksewa Exam Old Questions

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HA PSC Exam Model Questions | Health Assistant Loksewa Exam Old Questions

HA PSC Exam Model Questions | Health Assistant Loksewa Exam Old Questions

1. Metalic taste of Drug is...

A. Metronidazole

B. Albendazole

C. Salbutamol

D. Omeprazole

2. National health policy Second time updated in....

A. 2070

B. 2071

C. 2072

D. 2073

3. informing people, motivating people and changing behavior is the objective of

A. community diagnosis

B. Health education

C. Preventive medicine

D. Socialized medicine

4. Filariasis is caused by

A. Sand fly

B. mosquito

C. nematode

D. protozoa

5. A 45 Years male is unable to read news paper which lens should he use ?

A. Concave

B. Convex

C. speherical

D. cylindrical

6. Which is not the medical emergency?

A. Bronchial asthama

B. Poisoning

C. Corpulmonale


7. Polio vaccine is

A. liver attendual oral

B. killed attendual oral

C. Toxoid oral

D. mixed oral

8. Which of the following is not transmitted by face-oral route ?

A. Hepatitis A

B. Hepatitis B

C. Hepatitis C

D. Chloera

9. Myxodema is the disorder of the gland ?

A. pituitary

B. thyroid

C. parathyroid

D. adrenal

10. The drug of choice for sabies is

A. Gentian violet

B. Benzyl benzoate

C. Mercurochrome

D. Dettol

11. Which one is not a ATT drug ?

A. Ethambutol

B. Erythromycin

C. Streptomycin

D. Isoniazid

12. Disease that occur clearly more Than expected Frequency is known as

A. Endemic

B. Epidemic

C. Pandemic

D. Sporadic

13. MDT stands for

A. Multi Dose Therapy

B. MUlti Drug TReatment

C. Multi Drug Therapy

D. Multiple Drug Therapy

14. The objective of first aid are all except

A. To Preserve life

B. To Promote recovery

C. To Prevent worsening of Patient

D. To cure the Disease

15. Inflammation of bladder is called as

A. Nepharitis

B. Pyelnephritis

C. Ureteritis

D. None of the above

16. which is not The danger sign of ARI ?

A. Continous coughing

B. Chest indrwaing

C. Severe malnutrition

D. High Grade Fever

17. Which is not the high risk Caess Of Pregnency ?

A. Height more than 4ft

B. mother having>4 Children

C. unmarried women

D. <19 Years and >35 Years Women

18. Which i water borne disease ?

A. malaria

B. Polio

C. Chicken pox

D. Diphtheria

19. Hemoglobin level less than 5gm% is Considered as

A. Mild anemia

B. moderate anemia

C. Severe anemia

D. none of the abve

20. Eye transplantion means.......Transplantion

A. lens

B. pupil

C. Cornea

D. retina

21. Human eye lens is

A. Round

B. Biconcave

C. Biconvex

D. Spherical

22. Albumin is

A. Carbohydrate

B. Protein

C. vitamin

D. mineral

23. Most common Poisoning in nepal is?

A. Organophosphorus

B. kerosene

C. Acid

D. organochlorine

24. The Very useful diagnosis for Tuberculosis is

A. Mountoux test

B. Chest x-ray

C. Sputum examination

D. Sputum culture

25. Which among the following is not under EPI in nepal ?

A. Mumps

B. Measles



HA PSC Exam Model Questions | Health Assistant Loksewa Exam Old Questions

26. Vector for kala-azar is

A. MOsquito

B. Phetebotomus

C. Black fly

D. Reduvild bug

27. Which is the causative agent of scabies ?

A. Hard tick

B. Itch mite

C. soft tick

D. pthrius pubis

28. Viral encephalitis affects

A. Liver

B. Brain

C. kidney

D. Bone

29. Most common Cause Of cirrhosis is....

A. Alcoholism

B. smoking

C. HEpatitis

D. viral

30. Which is not the major manifestation of Rheumatic fever ?

A. Carditis

B. POlyarthritis

C. fever

D. Subcutaneous nodule

31. Interim plan period is form

A. 2062/63 to 2064/65

B. 2063/64 to 2065/66

C. 2064/65 to 2066/67

D. 2065/66 to 2067/2068

32. Which is the elimination of leprosy ?

A. incidence rate below 1 per 10,00

B. prevalence rate below 1 per 1,0000

C. incidence rate below 1 per 10,000

D. Disability rate below 1 per 10000

33. The ideal number of antenatal visits of pregnancy

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

34. Cervical excitation is the sign of

A. fibroid

B. Endometriosis

C. Pregnancy


35. Which are the responses taken in GCS ?

A. Verbal response and eye opening response

B. VErbal eye opening and motor response

C. Eye opening and motor response

D. None

36. Length of spermatozoa is

A. 50 m

B. 100 m

C. 120 m

D. 300 m

37. Which are the female reproductive organs ?

A. uterus and vagina

B. Ovaries and vagina

C. uterus ovaries $ vagina

D. uterus and ovaries

38. Incubation period of pertusis is

A. 5-10 days

B. 9-14 Days

C. 3-8 Days

D. 7-14 Days

39. The most common oral disease in nepal

A. Dental caries

B. Periodontitis

C. Pericoronitis

D. Cleft lips & other anomalies

40. Increase in the number of cells is called ?

A. Hyperplaia

B. Hypertrophy

C. Metaplasia

D. all of the above

41. Which is the target of CPR upto the end of 10th Five Year plan ?

A. 43%

B. 47&

C. 49%

D. 49%

42. Which is not under the CBIMICAL Prpgramme ?


B. malaria


D. Diarrhoea

43. Insecticides Spraying program includes control of all diseases except ?

A. Hepatitis

B. Kala-azar

C. malaria

D. Encephalitis

44. Most commonly accepted family planning measures is

A. Depo

B. Pillis

C. Norplant

D. Condoms

45. Which is not the cause of gastritis ?

A. Hookworm

B. Round worm

C. Ring worm

D. Tape worm

46.Hepatitis B has been placed in immunization from 2061/62 in..... districts

A. 25

B. 45

C. 65

D. 75

47. Chlorination kills

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Protozoa

D. Spores

48. Sexual contact is the major made of tranmission of AIDS. The Statement is

A. True

B. False

C. 50/50

D. none of the above

49. The Causative Organisms Of AIDS is

A. Rhabdovirus

B. Retrovirus

C. MYxovirus

D. paramyxovirus

50. Yellow fever is transmitted by:

A. culex

B. Anopheles

C. Aedes

D. all of the above

1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.B

11.B 12. B 13.C 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C

21.B 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.C

31. c 32.B 33.D 34.D 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.C

41.B 42.A 43.A 44.A 45.C 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.B 50.C