HA Loksewa Exam Model Questions | HA Loksewa Exam Preparation

HA Loksewa Exam Model Questions | HA Loksewa Exam Preparation

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HA Loksewa Exam Model Questions | HA Loksewa Exam Preparation

HA Loksewa Exam Model Questions | HA Loksewa Exam Preparation

1. According to CB-IMNCI guideline Choice of Drug for Pneumonia is:

(A) Cotrimoxazole

(B) Amoxicillin

(C) Ceftriaxone

(D) All of the above

2. Match the following Public Health Programmes and their established date

i. Government Supported Family Planning 1. 1982 AD

Programmes in Nepal

ii. Safemotherhood Programme

2. 1997 AD

iii. PHC/ORC Programme

3. 1994 AD

iv. Deworming Programme

4.1999 AD

v. MDT programme

5.1968 AD

(A) 1-5; ii-3, iii-2,iv-4,-1

(B) i-1; ii-2, iii-3, iv-4,1-5

(C) 1-5; ii-2, iii-3, iv-4,V-1

(d) i-1; ii-3, iii-2,iv-5,1-4

3. One-sided lower abdominal pain is associated with---

(A) Abortion

(B) Ectopic pregnancy

(C) Abruption placenta

(D) Placenta previa

4. At 10 hours of the age of a neonatal oral cavity is filled with mucus and cyanosis develops. What

should the nurse do first?

(A) Suction

(B) Administer oxygen

(C) Record the incident

(D) Insert a nasogastric tubes

5. During which of the following stages of labour would nurse assess "crowning"?

(A) First stage

(B) Second stage

(C) Third stage

(D) Fourths stage

6. The primary power involved in the labour and delivery is:

(A) Bearing downs ability of mother

(B) Cervical effacement and dilation

(C) Uterine contraction

(D) Valsalva technique.

7. The uterine fundus right after delivery placenta is palpable at: (A) Level of Xiphoid process

(B) Level of umbilicus

(C) Level of symphysis pubis

(D) Midway between umbilicus and emphasis pubis.

8. All are characteristic of a mentally healthy person except:

(A) Has self respect

(B) Unable to accept his shortcomings

(C) Able to like and trust others

(D) Able to meet the demands of life

9. Infant mortality Rate does not include:

(A) Early neonatal mortality

(B) Perinatal mortality

(C) Post neonatal mortality

(D) Late neonatal mortality

10. Sujan Karki, 19 yars old boy, complains burning dripping urination for 3 days. On examination, found

penis tip is swollen, the probable diagnosis is ------

(A) Phimosis

(B) Paraphimosis

(C) Urethral stone

(D) All of the above

11. When a patient is in oral iron therapy complain of black stool, it may be

(A) GI bleeding

(B) Normal stool by iron

(C) It is a abnormal condition need to take immediate action

(D) Refer to hospital or hematological consultant

12. Toxic shock syndrome is caused by:

(A) Bacteroides fragilis

(B) Streptococcus fecalis

(C) Meningococcus

(D) Staphylococcus aures

13. A client has diagnosed with appendicitis. He develops a fever, hypotension and tachycardia. The health

worker suspects which of the following complication?

(A) Intestinal obstruction

(B) Peritonitis

(C) bowel ischemia

(D) Deficient fluid volume

14. Which of the following findings is the best indication that fluid replacement for the client with

hypovolemic shock is adequate?

(A) Urine output greater than 30 ml/hr.

(B) Respiratory rate of 21 breaths/minute

(C) Diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mmhg

(D) Systolic blood pressure greater than 110 mmhg

15. The health worker anticipates that the immuno-suppressed patient is at greatest risk for which type of


(A) Cardiogenic

(B) Septic shock

(C) Anaphylactic shock

(D) Hypovolemic shock

16. Allergic dermatitis is chronic inflammation cause by-------

(A) Irritant

(B) Parasites

(C) Bacteria

(D) All of above

17. Commonest ocular complication in renal transplant patient is:

(A) Glaucoma

(B) Retinitis

(C) Optic neuritis

(D) Cataract

18. A patient strongly says and believes firmly that he is Lord Shiva, this symptom is called ?

(A) Delusion

(B) Illusion

(C) Hallucination

(D) Perception

19. According to epidemiological triad social agent means:

(A) Poverty, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse

(B) Exposure to excessive heat, cold and humidity

(C) Chemicals produced within the human body

(D) None of the above

20. According to Nationally Health Policy 2071, a PHCC will be established in:

(A) 20,000

(B) Industrial area

(C) 10,000 population

(D) Both A and B

21. The area is declared free of epidemic:

(A) Till the last secondary case recovers

(B) No new case reported for the incubation period of the disease since the last case

(C) No new case reported for twice the incubation period of disease since the last case

(D) No new case reported for six months since the last

22. Which of the following statements regarding live vaccines is false?

(A) Two live vaccines cannot be administered simultaneously

(B) Booster doses are not required when live vaccines are administered

(C) Single dose gives life long immunity

(D) Live vaccines contains both major and minor antigens

23. Which of the following statements is true about the epidemiological determinants of measles?

(A) Measles virus survives outside the human body for 5 days (B) Carriers are important sources of infection

(C) Secondary attack rate is less than that of rubella

(D) Incidence of measles is more in males than females


24. Which one of the following is not true about scabies:

(A) Transmitted by close contact

(B) Itching is worse at night

(C) Commonest sit of lesion is buttocks and groin

(D) In babies, the head must also be treated with application of benzyl benzoate

25. The most appropriate test to assess the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in a community is:

(A) Mass miniature radiography

(B) Sputum examination

(C) Tuberculin test

(D) Clinical examination

26. Which of the following is not correct incubation period of disease?

(A) Giardiasis-1-3 weeks

(B) Diphtheria -2-6 days

(C) Staphylococcal food poisoning-1-6 days

(D) Japanese Encephalitis -5-15 days

27. Which of the following disease is not example of water related disease ?

(A) Malaria

(B) Filariasis

(C) Dengue

(D) Schistosomiasis

28. Strength of sewage is expressed in terms of all except:

(A) Biological oxygen demand

(B) Chemical oxygen demand

(C) E. coli count

(D) Suspended solids

29. Epidemic dropsy was seen as mustard oil was mixed with argemone oil. This is an example of:

(A) Food adulteration

(B) Food additives

(C) Food fortification

(D) Food poisoning

30. Which of the following indicator of malnutrition is not true?

(A) Single best parameter for assessment for assessment of physical growth: Weigh

(B) Single most reliable criterion of assessment of health and nutritional status: Weight

(C) Stable measurement of growth: weigh

(D) none of the above

31. All are characteristics of chronic disease EXCEPT:

(A) Leave residual disability

(B) Are permanent

(C) Caused by reversible pathological alteration

(D) Require a long period of observation or care

32. Following are TRUE regarding the relationship between coronary heart disease and hypertension:

(A) Hypertension accelerates atherosclerosis

(B) Systolic BP is a better predictor of CHD than diastolic BP

(C) Mild hypertension also a risk factor

(D) All of the above

33. Single most useful test for identifying individuals at high risk of developing CHD is:

(A) BP

(B) Serum cholesterol

(C) Sedentary life style

(D) Age

34. Which of the following is a feature of asymptomatic carrier state of HIV/AIDS?

(A) Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy

(B) Splenomegaly

(C) Fever

(D) AIDS dementia

35. The following measures are essential to control rabies in urban areas EXCEPT:

(A) Early diagnosis and treatment of cases

(B) Elimination of all stray dogs

(C) Enforcing registration and licensing of domestic dogs

(D) Immunization of dogs

36. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about food poisoning?

(A) Onset is with vomiting

(B) Tenesmus present

(C) Fever present

(D) Secondary cases occur

37. A village affected with epidemic of cholera what is the 1st step which should be taken in village to

decrease the death from cholera:

(A) Safe water supply and sanitation

(B) Cholera vaccination to all individuals

(C) Primary chemoprophylaxis

(D) Treat everyone in the village' with tetracycline

38. In malaria, best index to know about incidence in a community is:

(A) Annual parasite incidence

(B) Annual blood examination rate

(C) Parasite density rate

(D) Biting rate

39. The shortest incubation period of 12 days is observed in which of the following types of malaria:

(A) P. vivax

(B) P. ovale

(C) P. malariae

(D) P. falciparum

40. Read the following statements and choose appropriate one option:

i. Ministry of Health was established in 1954AD.

ii. DoHS was established in 1933 AD

iii. DoHS was dissolved in 1987 AD and the again rejuvenated in 1993 AD under MoH during restructuring.

iv. Female Community Health Volunteer Programme was initiated in 1988 AD.

(A) Iii and iv are right

(B) ii and iv are right

(C) I, ii and iii are right

(D) 1, ii, iii and iv are right

41. The anemia caused by the deficiency of Intrinsic factor is called as:

(A) Microcytic anemia

(B) Megaloblastic anemia

(C) Pernicious anemia

(D) Hemolytic anemia

42. The muscle of upper arm for administering intramuscular injection is

(A) Gluteus medius

(B) Gluteus minimus

(C) Deltoid muscle

(D) Vastus lateralis

43. Uterine contraction at the time of birth is mainly stimulated by:

(A) Prolactin

(B) Progesterone

(C) Adrenaline

(D) Oxytocin

44. Which of the following statements is not true?

(A) World malaria day-25th April

(B) International Labour day -19 may

(C) World population day 11th June

(D) Latrine day -19th November

45. A plan is:

(A) Policy making

(B) Projection of future sales

(C) Determination of optimal distribution system

(D) Specific action proposed to help the organization achieve its objectives

46. According to new revised HMIS forms, FCHV reporting collection form belongs to:

(A) HMIS 4.2

(B) HMIS 4.3

(C) HMIS 4.1

(D) HMIS 9.1

47. Establishing an international Structure of roles for people to fill an organization is called as:

(A) Planning

(B) Organizing

(C) Staffing

(D) Controlling

48. The ultimate form of decentralization is:

(A) De-concentration

(B) Delegation

(C) Privatization

(D) Devolution

49. Which of the following statements is not true regarding Epidemiologic studies:

(A) Ecological study belong to Analytical study

(B) Descriptive study is the first step in an epidemiological study (C) Experimental study deals with risk factor

(D) Most useful study deign in hospital setting -Case control study

50. Health surveillance is:

(A) Collection of data

(B) Interpretation of data

(C) Monitoring programme

(D) Continuous scrutiny of factors determining occurrence and spread of disease.

Answer Key :

Solutions For HA Loksewa:

1. Ans (b)

• The drug of choice for Pneumonia in child under five years is

Amoxicillin BD for 5 days.

2. Ans (C) Government Supported Family Planning Programmes in Nepal: 1968 AD ii. Safemotherhood Programme. 1997 AD iii. PHC/ORC Programme 1994 AD iv. Deworming Programme 1999 AD v. MDT programme 1982 AD

3. Ans (b)

4 Ans (a)

5. Ans (b)

6. Ans (c)

7. Ans (b)

8. Ans (b)

9. Ans (b) Infant mortality means the deaths from birth to one year. This

includes early neonatal, late neonatal and post neonatal period.

10. Ans (b)

11. Ans (b)

- iron therapy can cause black stool.

12. Ans (d)

- Toxic shock syndrome is cause by staphylococcus aures - Measles vaccine if contaminated with staphylococcus aureus

can caused Toxic shock syndrome.

13. Ans (b) - Peritonitis is inflammation of peritoneum it is one of the

complication of acute appendicitis.

14. Ans (a)

15. Ans (b)

- Septic shock is occur due to microorganism.

16. Ans (a)

Allergic dermatitis is cause by irritant. - Clinical features of allergic dermatitis is Redness, Rashes,


17. Ans (d)

18. Ans (a)

Delusions: Fixed, false firmly held belief out of keeping with the

patient's culture and unaltered by evident to contritely.

19. Ans: (a) Poverty, smoking, abuse of drugs, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyles, social

isolation etc are social agents.

20. Ans

(d) 21. Ans (c)

Epidemic means occurrence of disease clearly excess compared to expected. An area is declared free of epidemic if No new case reported for

twice incubation period of disease since the last case.

22Ans (a)

Live vaccines are prepared from live attenuated organisms. Live vaccines are potent agents than killed vaccines, Immunization is generally achieved with single dose. Attenuation: Reduced Pathogenicity/virulence BUT maintained

antigenicity / immunogenicity

23Ans (c)

Measles virus cannot survive outside human body There is not carriers Epidemic of measles occurs: if proportion of susceptible children >40%

Secondary attack rate of measles=80% and Rubella=90% 24Ans (d)

- Scabies is cause by Sarcoptes scabies

- Benzyl benzoate is not apply in head.

25Ans (c)

Tuberculin: Purified Protein derivative (PPD) has replaced the antigen

old tuberculin (OT). Tuberculin test is the only way of estimating the prevalence of

infection in a population. - Tuberculin test has lost its sensitivity as an indicator of the true

prevalence of infection, in countries with high coverage of BCG. 26Ans (c)

Incubation period of staphylococcal food poisoning is 1-6 hours. 27 Ans (d)

water related disease includes: malaria, filariasis, Dengue, yellow fever


28Ans (c)

E. coli count is not used to expressed strength of sewage. 29Ans (a)

Food Fortification: is the process whereby nutrients are added to foods to maintain or improve the quality to foods to maintain or improve the quality of the diet of a small, group a community or a population, e.g. Iodization of salt, fluoridation of water. Food additives: Non nutritious substances which are added intentionally to food, generally in small quality to improve its appearance, flavor, texture or storage properties. Food adulteration: it consists of large number of practices e.g. mixing substitution, concealing the quality, putting up decomposed foods for sale, misbranding or giving false lables and

addition of toxicants.

30Ans (c)

Indicator of malnutrition: - Single best parameter for assessment of physical growth: weight

(and rate of weight gain). Single most sensitive measure of growth: Wight Single most reliable criterion of assessment of health and nutritional status: weigh Height is a stable measurement of growth as opposed to body weight. Height: indicates events in past also

Weight: Reflects only presents health status

31Ans: (c)

32Ans: (d)

33Ans: (a)

34Ans: (a)

35Ans: (a)

36Ans: (d)

37Ans: (a)

38Ans: (a)

39Ans: (d)

40. Ans: (d)

Ministry of Health was established in 1954 AD (2011 BS) DoHS was established in 1990 BS(1933 AD) DoHS was dissolved in 2044 BS (1987 AD) and the again rejuvenated in

1993 AD (2050 BS) under MoH during restructuring FCHV programme was initiate in 2045 BS (1988 AD) from 27 districts of


41. Ans (c)

42. Ans (c)

43. Ans (d)

44. Ans (c)

- World population day celebrated every year on 11th July

- World health day celebrated every year on 7th April.

45.Ans (d)

plan is the blue print for taking action. It consists of five major elements: Objectives, Policies, programs schedules and budget. It is specific action purposed to help the organization achieves its objectives. Policies is the guiding principles stated as an expectation, not as a


46Ans (d)

FCHV reporting collection form -9.1. Community level health service monthly reporting form -9.2

PHCC, HP and SHP reporting form -9.3

47Ans (c)

Staffing is the whole personnel function of bridging in and training the staff and maintaining favorable condition of work. Assigning right job to the right people is the management function

of staffing.

48Ans (d)

Decentralization means placing the authority and decision making

power as close as possible to the level at which the work is done. There are different level or form of decentralization. It can be given as: 1. De-concentration 2. Delegation 3. Privatization 4. Devolution The initial phase of de-concentration and the ultimate form id


49.Ans (c)

Analytical study deals with risk factor. - Most useful study deign in hospital setting is case control study.

- Ecological study is also called correlational study

50Ans (d)

Surveillance is continuous scrutiny of factor determining occurrence and spread of disease. surveillance is three types (Active, Passive and sentential surveillance.

For more HA Loksewa Exam Model Questions : https://gyanmark.com/gyan-topics/ahw-anm-cma-staff-nurse-and-ha-loksewa-exam-questions