CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

2 years ago

CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

CTEVT Diploma Level

Entrance Exam Model


Marks : 70 Time : 1 hour 30 minutes

Subject : English (20


1.He says he is ....... US citizen.

a. a b. an c. the d. nothing

2. He is ......... only teacher for this subject.

a. a b. an C. the d. Nothing

3. Cottage industries supply us ......... our daily needs.

a. in b. From c. with d. by

4. They prefer begging ......... working.

a. from b. than c.to d. by

5. It .......... for 3 hours when we left home.

a. rains b. is raining c. has rained d. had been raining

6. .........? Yes, let's start the lesson.

a. Do you start the lesson? b. Will you start the lesson?

c. Shall we start the lesson? d. Can we start the lesson?

7. The negative form of 'Someone said something' is .........

a. Someone didn't say anything. b. None said nothing.

C. Anyone didn't say anything. d. No one said anything.

8. Either you or your father is wrong, .........?

a. isn't he b. aren't they C. aren't you d. don't you

9. Nobody's touched her yet, ?

a. have they b. has they c. have nobody d. hasn't anybody

10. The passive form of 'He wanted me to carry his bag' is ..........

a. His bag was wanted me to carry.

b. He wanted me to be carried his bag.

C. I am wanted to carry his bag by him.

d. He wanted his bag to be carried by me.

11. The active form of 'This problem can't be solved by anyone' is


a. No one can solve this problem.

b. Anyone can't solve this problem.

c. None can be solved this problem.

d. None can't solve this problem.

12. What ......... if I didn't marry you?

a. you would do b. would you do c. you did d. did you do

13. If you had been there, you ..........

a. would have punished b. would punish

c. would be punished d. would have been punished

14. Can you get this bike .........?

a. repair b. to repair c. repaired d. to be repaired

15. You can't help .......... her.

a. to love b. love c. loved d. loving

16. Your health is not ..........

a. satisfied b. satisfaction C. satisfactory d. satisfy

17. It was a ......... flight.

a. legal b. lawful c. legalise d. legally

18. I don't know ......... he is staying with.

a. where b. whose c. which d. who

19. We played well, ........., we lost the game.

a. however b. although C. so d. As

20. My brother always has me ......... his homework.

a. do b. to do c. done d. doing

Science (20


21. How many joules in there in 1 calorie?

a. 2.2 Joule b. 3.2 Joule c.4.2 Joule d.5.2 Joule

22. The valency of phosphorus is ........

a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3 c. 3 and 5 d. 1 and 3

23. In hypermetropia person can not see ..........

a. near object b. far object c.thin object d.thick object

24. Which of the following is a metalloid?

a. Mercury b. Silicon c. Gold d. Magnesium

25. Which is the longest cell in the human body?

a. Muscle cell b. Bone cell c.Nerve cell d. None of the above

26. Potato tuber gives rise to a new plant in the soil. What type of

asexual reproduction is it?

a. Sporulation b. Vegetative propagation

c.Fragmentation d.Budding

27. Which material is used as a heating element in the


a. Copper b. Tungsten c.iron d. Nichrome

28. Specific heat capacity of iron is ..........

a. 380 J/kg°C b. 390 J/Kg°C c.470 J/Kg°C d.670 J/Kg°C

29. Which cell of human blood does HIV affect?

a. WBC b. RBC c.Platelets d.All of these

30. The division of fern is ..........

a. Thallophyta b. Pteridophyta

C.Bryophyta d.Protista

31. Which of the following is liquid?

a. Aluminium b. Calcium c. iron d. Mercury

32. What is the formula of slaked lime?

a. NaOH b. Cao c.Ca(OH)2 d. Mg(OH)2

33. The estimated age of the earth is .........

a. 5.4 Billion year b. 4.5 Billion year

c. 5 Billion year d. 5.5 Billion year

34. Voluntary muscles are found in ..........

a. Heart b.Liver c. lungs d. foot

35. By which method heat is transmitted in the water?

a. Evaporation b. Radiation

c.Convection d.Conduction

36. Which era is called the era of


a. Archean and Proterozoic era b. Mesozoic era

c.Palaeozoic era d. Cenozoic era

37. Reflex action is controlled by ..........

a. brain b. automatic nervous system

c.spinal cord d.peripheral nervous system

38. Insulin is produced by ..........

a. duodenum b. Pancreas c.gall bladder d.liver

39. What should be the pH value to be strong acid?

a. Less than 4 b. More than 4 c.Less than 2 d. More than 2

40. In the periodic table, all the non-metals are placed under ..........

a. S-block b.P-block c.d-block d.f-block

Maths (20


For more model questions : https://gyanmark.com/gyan-topics/science
