Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Questions

Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Questions

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Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Questions

Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Questions

1. The pre-Tender stage of construction requires

a. selection of site

b. acquisition of land

c. finalization of designs

d. all of the above

2. The major principle of an organization is

a. span of management

b. unity of command

c. delegation of authority

d. all of these

3. The use of bar chart is very popular in contraction department because

a. it is very simple to prepare and interpret

b. each item of work or activity is known separately

c. modification to the chart, if required, can be carried out easily

d. all of the above

4. Bar chart is suitable for

a. large project

b. major work

c. minor work

d. all of the above

5. A bar chart is drawn for

a. times versus activity

b. activity versus resources

c. resources versus progress

d. progress versus time

6. CPM stand for

a. combined progress method

b. critical path method

c. common planning method

d. critical process method

7. PERT analysis is based upon

a. optimistic time

b. pessimistic time

c. most likely time

d. all of the above

8. The time in which an activity will take to complete in case of difficulty, is


a. optimistic time

b. most likely time

c. pessimistic time

d. none of the above

9. A dummy activity in a net work

a. is represented by a dotted line

b. is an artificial activity

c. does not consume time or resources

d. all of the above

10. Which of the following is a dummy activity?

a. excavation of foundations

b. laying the foundation concrete

c. awaiting the arrived of concrete materials

d. curing the foundation concrete

11. Which of the following are the guidelines for the construction of a

network diagram?

a. Each activity is represented by one and only arrow in the network.

b. dangling must be avoided in a network diagram

c. dummy activity consume no times or resource

d. all of the above

12. The essential condition for the decompression of an activity is that

a. The project time should change due to decompression

b. After decompression, the time of an activity invariable exceeds its

normal time

c. An activity could be decompressed to the maximum extent of its normal


d. none of the above

13. The field of activities of an engineer includes

a. estimation

b. approval of construction plants by the local authority

c. inspection and payment of work done by contractor

d. all of the above

14. Which of the following projection methods not used projectors

perpendicular to the projection plane?

a. isometric

b. orthographic

c. oblique

d. axonometric

15. Which types of line is part of a dimension?

a. break lines

b. phantom lines

c. extension lines

d. cutting plane lines

16. What types of sketch uses a meter line?

a. a two – view multi view

b. an isometric pictorial

c. a three- point perspective pictorial

d. none of the above

17. A cutting plane normal to a cube has to be ........... in order to cut an

oblique face

a. rotated about one axis

b. rotated about one axis and translated

c. rotated about two axis

d. rotated about two axis and translated

18. A dependent variable is derived by subtracting the temperature

reading on Gauge a from the reading on gauge B. this variable would be

a ................... variable

a. ratio

b. independent

c. interval

d. absolute

19. When you want to make sure that all off the text stays to the right of a

given point on the drawing you wound set its:

a. aspect

b. scale

c. alignment

d. font

20. Which of the following would be a typical use for the product data


a. tracking potential client by marketing

b. generating variations of a preliminary design

c. searching for how many designs used a particular fastener

d. evaluating the strengths of a rib support on a cast piece

21. If the M.I of section about its axis is I and if the effective sectional area

is A, then radius of gyration R is given by

a. ඥᅬθᅦ

b. ඥᅬθᅬᅦ

c. ඥᅦθᅬ₩

d. ඥᅬᅬθᅦ₩

22. A rectangular beam carries a maximum bending moment of M. if its

depth is doubled, its moment carrying capacity will be

a. M

b. 2M

c. 3M

d. 4M

23. A simply supported beam of length I carrying a load varying uniformly

from zero at left end to maximum at night end maximum bending

moment occurs at a distance of

a. 1/ ڷ from left end

b. 1/3 from left end

c. 1/ ڷ₩₩from right end

d. 1/3 from right end

24. The shape of bending moment diagram over the length of a beam,

having no external load is

a. linear

b. parabolic

c. cubical

d. circular

25. The maximum bending moment due to moving load on a simply

supported beam occurs

a. at mid span

b. at the supports

c. under the load

d. none of the above

26.The design of a structure is

a. the planning of the structure

b. the calculation of straining actions at salient points

c. deciding the materials and proportions of the various members of the


d. none of the above

27. An elastic prop is one which

a. does not any reaction

b. supports the entire load and relieves all other support completely

c. develops reaction proportional to the compression in itself

d. none of the above

28. The arch meant for supporting uniformly distributed loads, to avoid any

bending moment must be

a. circular

b. elliptical

c. parabolic

d. none of the above

29. A statically indeterminate structure is the one which

a. cannot be analysed using equations of statics alone

b. cannot be analysed at all

c. is not stable for general loading

d. can be analysed with the equations of statics alone

30. For electrical wiring such as fan, light, plug, etc the estimate is made in

terms of

a. type of point

b. number of points

c. total load at main in KW

d. total length of wiring in meters

31. Mass curve in road project is used to

a. show cumulative cut

b. show cumulative fill

c. show cumulative cut and fill

d. none of the above

32. Plinth area estimate is a approximate estimate mostly used for the

estimation of

a. building

b. road and highway

c. irregular channel

d. bridge and culvert

33. The plan of a building is in the form of a rectangle with centerline

dimension of outer walls as 9.7m x 14.7m the thickness of the wall in

super structure is 0.30m. Then its plinth area is

a. 150 m2

b. 145 m2

c. 145.5 m2

d. 135.36 m2

34.The rate analysis induces

a. material, labour, vat, all taxes

b. material, labour, contractor's, overhead and profit

c. material, labour , contractor's all taxes

d. material and labour

35.The rate of an item of work depends

a. specification of works

b. specification of material

c. method of construction

d. all of the above

36. Approximate weight of 1 cubic meter of sand is

a. 800 kg

b. 1600 kg

c. 2400 kg

d. 3200 kg

37. The amount of money deposited along with the submission of tender is

known as

a. security money

b. performance bond

c. retention money

d. earnest money

38. The edge of drawing board where T-square is made to slide is called

a. sliding edge

b. fixing edge

c. working edge

d. all of the above

39. In a project selection, minimum B/C ratio should be

a. > 1

b. < 1

c. 0

d. equal to 1

40. According to law of demand if the price of goods increase then the

demand of articles

a. increase

b. decrease

c. constant

d. all of the above

41. At what condition, project is good

a. IRR > discounted rate

b. IRR < discounted rate

c. IRR equal to discounted rate

d. none of the above

42. For the selection of any project, which Criteria is followed?

a. internal rate of rectum

b. net present value

c. benefit cost ratio

d. all of the above

43. In any project 10 million rupees is invested to get an income of 1 million

is called

a. cash outflow

b. cash flow

c. equilibrium cash

d. profit cash

44. The ratio obtained by dividing quick assets by current liabilities is called

a. turnover ratio

b. acid test ratio

c. solvency ratio

d. none of the above

45. The main objectives of sensitivity analysis of project is to examine the


a. productivity

b. profitability

c. uncertainly

d. sustainability

46. Which Ministry of Government of Nepal deals with Civil Engineering

group of Nepal Engineering Service?

a. Ministry of General Administration

b. Ministry of Energy

c. Ministry of irrigation

d. Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

47. Ethics as a normative science needs code of conduct and guidelines to

maintaining high level of standard of good behavior in the society. This

is application to:

a. Lawers

b. Doctors

c. Engineers

d. All of the above

48. For the formation of users committee, members are selected

a. among the people of whole district

b. among the beneficiaries of the project

c. by nomination by the chief district officer of the district

d. none of the above

49. Provision for professional code of engineers in Nepal is made in detail

in :

a. NEC act

b. NEC Rules

c. NEC bye-laws

d. NEC ordience

50. Any NON – Nepali Engineer desiring to work in Nepal may apply for

registration under:

a. Category A

b. Category B

c. Category C

d. Category D

Answer Key :

1. D 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C

11. D 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. C

21. A 22. D 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. C

31. C 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. D 40. B

41. A 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. C

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