Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Model Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Model Questions

Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Model Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Model Questions

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Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Model Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Model Questions

Civil Engineer Loksewa Exam Model Questions | Civil Engineer PSC Exam Model Questions

1. The maximum shear stress devlopment in a beam of circular section is.........the average shear stress.

A. Equal to

B. 4/3 times

C. 1.5 times

D. twice

2. The Maximum deflaction of a cantilever beam of length i with a point load W at the free end is

A. WI3/3EI

B. WI3/8EI

c. WI3/16EI

D. WI3/48EI

3. When a shaft is subjected to a twisting moment, every cross-section of the shaft will be under

A. Tensile stress

B. compressive stress

c. shear stress

D. bending stress

4. The shear stress at the centre of a circular shaft under torsion is

A. Zero

B. Minimum

C. maximum

D. infinity

5. The shear stress at the outermost fibers of acircular shaft under torsion is

A. Zero

B. minimum

C. maximum

D. infinity

6. The curvature of the earth is taken into consideration if the limit of survey is

A. 50 to 100km2

B. 100 to 200km2

C.200 to 250km2

D. more than 250km2

7. In order to determine the natural features such as valley,river,lakes,e.t.c, the surveying prefered is

A. City surveying

B. Location surveying

C. cadastral surveying

D. topographical surveying

8. The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the

A. Whole to the part

B. part to the whole

c. lower level to higher level

D. higher level to lower level

9. The working from whole to the part is done in Surveying in order to insure that

A. Surveying work is completed more quickly

B. number of errors is minimum

C. plotting is done more quickly

D. errors and mistakes of one portion do not affects the remaining portion

10. Direct ranging is POssible only when the end stations are

A. Close to each other

B. not more than 1000m apart

C. mutually intervisible

D. Located at highest points in the sea

11. When the length of chain used in measuring distances is longer than the standard length, the error

in measured distance will be

A. Positive error

B. negative error

C. compensing error

D. none of these

12. The error in measured length due to sag of chain or tape as

A. Positive eror

B. negative error

c. compensating error

D. instrumental eror

13. When the measured length is less than the actual length, the eror is known as

A. Positive error

B. negative eror

C. compensating eror

D. Instrumental error

14. Chain Surveying is most suitable when

A. area to be Surveyed is small

B. Ground is fairly level and open with simple details

C. Plans are required and open with simple details

D. All of the above

15. In well Conditioned Triangle, no angle Should Be les than

A. 30 Degree

B. 40 Degree

C. 50 Degree

D. 60 Degree

16. The lower part of stucture Which transmits the load to the soil is known as

A. Super-structure

B. Plinth

C. Foundation

D. basement

17. The Failure of foundation of a buildings is due to

A. withdrawal of foundation of a building is due to

B. unequal settlement

C. Lateral escpae of the supporting material

D. all of these

18. The Bearing capacity of soils can be improved by

A. incresing the depth of footing

B. draining the sub-soil water

C. ramming the granular material like crushed stone in the soil

D. All of the above

19. The arrangement of bricks is similar to English bond in

A. raking bond

B. dutch bond

C. facing bond

D. heading bond

20. High alumina cement is

A. made by fusing together a mixture of lime-stone and bauxite

B. highly resistant to heat, chemical and other corrosive bauxite

C. used for structure Subjected to the action of sea water

D. all of the above

21. The breaking up cohesion in a mass of concrete is called

A. Workability

B. BLeedibg

C. Segregation

D. Creep

22. The Contionous strain, which the Concrete undergoes due to application of extrnal loads, is called

A. Workability

B. Bleeding

c. Segregation

D. Creep

23. In lime concrete,lime is used as

A. course aggreagate

B. Fine aggregate

C. binding material

D. admixture

24. REinforced cement concrete is equallly strong is taking

A. tensile and compressive stress

B. compressive and shear stress

C. tensile, compressive and shear Stresses

D. tensile and shear stresses

25. The gypsum is added to the cement for

A. providing high strength to the cenent

B. Controlling the intial setting time of cement

C. lowering the clinkering temprature of cemenrt

D. all of the above

26. Efflorescence in cement is caused due to the excess of

A. Silica

B. lime

C. alkalizes

D. iron oxide

27. low percantage of tricalcium silicate and low percantage of dicalcium silicate in cement results in

A. rapid hardening

B. highly early strength

C. high heat generation

D. none of these

28. The sum of the percantage of tricalcium silicate and dicalcium silicate

for portland cement vaeries from

A. 50 to 60%

B. 60 to 70%

C. 70 to 80%

D. 80 to 90%

29. The cement, widely used in retaining walls, is

A. rapid hardening cement

B. low heat cement

C. Sulphate resisting cement

D. all of these

30. Blast furnace slage cement is used for

A. dams

B. bridge abutments

C. retaining walls

D. all of these

31. in the manufacture of pozzolance cement,the amount of pozzolana material added to ordinary

portland cement clinkers is about

A. 20 %

B. 30 %

C. 40 %

D. 50 %

32. The neutral axis of a balanced section is called

A. balanced neutral axis

B. critical neutral axis

C. equivalent neutral axis

D. all of these

33. The deep beams are designed for

A. shear force only

B. bending moment only

C. both shear force and bending moment

D. bearing

34. The maximum permissible shear stress given in is ; 456-1978 is based on

A. diagonal tension failure

B. diagonal compression failure

C. flexural tension failure

D. uniaxiual compression

35. The diagonal tension in concrete can be resisted by providing

A. diagonal tension reinforcement

B. shear reinforcement

C. inclined tension reinforcement

D. all of these

36. The centre to centre spacing of vertical stirrups, in a rectangular beam, is

A. increased towards the centre of the span of the beam

B. decreased towards the centre of the span of the beam

C. increased at the end

D. none of these

37. When a reinforced concrete structure is loaded, the resistance first broken is

A. Pure adhesive resistance

B. frictional resistance

C. mechanical resistance

D. none of these

38. For reinforcing bars in compression, the average bond stress can be increased by,

A. 10 %

B. 25 %

C. 50 %

D. 75 %

39. The msain function of the construction management is

A. Planning

B. Organizng

C. Directing

D. all of these

40. The construction of residental building are treated as

A. light construction

B. heavy construction

C. industrial construction

D. none of these

41. The strength and durability of concrete depends upon

A. size of aggregates

B. grading of aggregation

C. moisture contents of aggregation

D. all of these

42. The construction of......belongs to industrial construction

A. transit sheds

B. tunnels

C. dams

D. chemical plants

43. The construction of airports are treated as

A. light construction

B. heavy construction

C. industrial construction

D. none of these

44. The first stage of a large construction work to

A. contract

B. design

C. conception

D. study and evaluation

45. The field of activities of an engineer includes

A. estimation

B. approval of construction plans by the local authority

C. inspection and payment of work done by contractor

D. all of the above

46. The contractor is responsible for

A. procuring material which is not supplied by the owner

B. organizing and planning the work as per drwaing

C. executing the work as per specifications laid down in the contract

D. all of the above

47. The resources in a construction project are made up of

A. plant equipment and machinery required for the project

B. Constructions materials such as cement, brick, e.t.c

C. skilled And unskilled Manpower

D. All of the above

48. Techinical planning is carried out for the

A. Preparation of detailed drwaings

B. Preparation of detailed estimate

C. planning resources and initiating procurement

D. all of the above

49. For the preparation of a construction schedule, the data required as

A. number of operations

B. number of activities

C. output of labour

D. all of these

50. The major principle of an organizations is

A. span of management

B. unity of command

C. delegation of authority

D. all of these

For more model questions :

Answer Key :

1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.C

11.B 12.A 13.B 14.D 15. 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.D

21.C 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.B 30.D

31.30% 32.B 33.B 34.A 35.A 36.A 37.A 38.B 39.D 40.A

41.D 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.D 46.D 47.D 48.D 49.D 50.D