Civil Assistance Sub Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Sub Overseer Loksewa Exam Questions

Civil Assistance Sub Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Sub Overseer Loksewa Exam Questions

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Civil Assistance Sub Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Sub Overseer Loksewa Exam Questions

Civil Assistance Sub Engineer Loksewa Exam Questions | Civil Sub Overseer Loksewa Exam Questions

1. The designation of scale recommended by is: 1491-1959

a. A to C

b. A to D

c. A to E

d. A to F

2. Offsets are

a. Chain lines out of alignment

b. Small Measurements from chain surveying

c. Measurements taken in chain surveying

d. None of the above

3. The chain length which is not the standard metric chain length is

a. 10m

b. 20m

c. 25m

d. 30m

4. The angle of intersection of horizon mirror and index of an

optical square is

a. 30°

b. 45°

c. 105°

d. 120°

5. Well- conditioned triangle having angle between

a. 30° & 60°

b. 30° & 90°

c. 30° & 120°

d. 60° & 120°

6. Positive error is caused if

a. The length of chain is shorter than the standard

b. The slope and sag correction is not applied

c. The measurement are mode along the incorrectly aligned line

d. All of the above

7. Basalt (TBE-GPI) is a

a. Extrusive igneous rock

b. Sedimentary

c. Sedimentary rock

d. Metamorphic rock

8. The process of talking out stones of various sizes from natural

rocks is known

a. Dressing

b. Seasoning

c. Quarrying

d. None of the above

9. The type of cement is considered good if

a. It contains C3S in large amount

b. It contains C2S in large amount

c. It contains C3A in large amount

d. All of the above

10. The maximum shear stress always occur at

a. Neutral axis

b. Top extreme fiber

c. A fiber in the cross-section depended on configuration

d. Bottom extreme fiber

11. The moment of inertia of triangular section b x h about the

c-g is

a. bh3/12

b. bh3/18

c. bh3/36

d. all of the above

12. The maximum bending moment caused by a moving load

on a fixed end beam occurs

a. at the support

b. under the load

c. at mid span

d. none of the above

13. Capillarity rise is proportional to

a. surface tension

b. unit weight of water

c. diameter of pipe

d. none of the above

14. gauge pressure is

a. absolute - atmosphere

b. absolute + atmosphere

c. atmosphere + - atmosphere

d. none of the above

15. The difference in pressure head, measured by a mercury oil

differential manometer for a 20 cm difference if mercury level

will be (specific gravity of oil = 0.8 )

a. 2.72m of oil

b. 2.52m of oil

c. 3.20m of oil

d. 0.2m of oil

16. Who coined the term soil mechanics?

a. Terzaghi

b. Cassagrande

c. New mark

d. Rankin

17. degree of saturation of a soil is generally

a. above 100%

b. below Zero

c. between 0% and 100%

d. none of the above

18. Hydrometer readings are corrected for

a. temperature correction

b. meniscus correction

c. for both (a) and (b) of above

d. none of the above

19. The changes of moisture content of soils, changes

a. angle of repose

b. cohesive strength

c. amount of compaction required

d. any of the above

20. The pressure-void ratio curve will be

a. linear when plotted on semi-log paper

b. linear when plotted on ordinary paper

c. linear when plotted on log-paper

d. none of the above

21. Workability of concrete is directly proportional to

a. grading of the aggregate

b. time of transit

c. aggregate cement ratio

d. none of the above

Civil Engineer Level 4 Loksewa Exam Questions

22. Unsoundness of cement due to magnesia can be

determined by

a. autoclave test

b. Vicats needle

c. le chateliers apparatus

d. Normal consistency

23. Buckling occurs in a column

a. great

b. short

c. too great

d. none of the above

24. under strap footing, an individual is connected by

a. PCC beam

b. strap beam

c. column

d. raft

25. The D.P.C is provided for efficiency, at

a. just below the ground floor level

b. The window sill level

c. anywhere in the wall

d. below the top most floor level

26. Bulking of stand is

a. maxing of lime with sand

b. maxing of different sizes of stand particles

c. maxing of water with sand

d. swelling of sand when wetted

27. An aquiclude is

a. a non-artesian aquifer

b. a large underground water body

c. a confined bed of impervious material between aquifer

d. an artesian aquifer

28. In strainer type wells

a. the flow is radial

b. the flow is radial

c. area of flow depends upon the size of the cavity

d. all of the above

29. Purest water may have

a. no colour

b. faint blue green color

c. dark blue color

d. brownish yellow colour

30. Salt present in water, harmful for cultivation propose, is

a. sodium carbonate

b. potassium sulphate

c. calcium sulphate

d. none of the above

31. The most suitable location of a canal head work, is

a. boulders stage of the river

b. delta stage of the river

c. rock stage of the river

d. trough stage of the river

32. After entering the canal, sediments are removed by the

a. silt ejector

b. silt excluder

c. silt regular

d. none of the above

33. The width of carriageway of two lanes road width without

raised curb is

a. 7.0 m

b. 7.5 m

c. 5.6 m

d. 5.0 m

34. Excessive camber on pavement may cause

a. erosion of the beams

b. deterioration of center position

c. slip of the speedy vehicle

d. all of the above

35. Camber depends on

a. smoothness of base course

b. permeability of sub grade

c. amount of rainfall

d. grade of wearing course

36. If R is the radius of the curve and/ is the distance between

extra width to be provided on the curve is

a. L/R

b. L/2R

c. L2/2R

d. L/4R

37. Minimum length of transition curve in hill should be

a. V2/1.5R

b. 2.7V2/R

c. V2/126.5R

d. V2/R

38. The measurement of steel grills is taken in term of

a. area

b. volume

c. weight

d. none of the above

39. Payment of the steel is done by

a. per quintal

b. per MT

c. per thousand

d. per bundle

40. In the case of answered areas, an additional provision for

septic tank is usually

a. 1% of the building cost

b. 3 to 4% of the building cost

c. 10% of the building cost

d. 12 to 15% of the building cost

41. Line of balance technique is used for

a. planning of an project

b. planning of an activity

c. planning of an event

d. comparison of actual progress with the scheduled progress

42. The railway projects are treated as

a. light construction

b. heavy construction

c. industrial construction

d. none of the above

43. Gantt chart is drawn for

a. time versus activity

b. activity versus activity

c. resources versus progress

d. progress versus time

44. The term CMP in construction management is an

abbreviation of

a. construction project management

b. critical path method

c. controlling planning and maintenance

d. crucial project management

45. Free float for any activity is defined as the difference


a. Its latest start time and earliest start time for its successor


b. Its latest start time and earliest start time

c. Its latest finish time and earliest start time for its successor


d. Its earliest finish time and earliest start time for its successor


46. The design thickness of the pavement, is decided on the

load carried by

a. main gears

b. nose wheel

c. tail wheel

d. all of the above

47. Airport elevation is the reduced level above M.S.L of

a. control tower

b. highest point of the landing area

c. lowest point of the landing area

d. none of the above

48. The runway length of TIA is

a. 8000 ft

b. 10000 ft

c. 12000

d. 14000 ft

49. Runway is designed on the basis of

a. runway length

b. types of airport

c. types of aircraft

d. nose gear

50. The normal thickness of expansion joint in masonry walls

must be more than

a. 10mm

b. 20mm

c. 30mm

d. 40mm

Answer Key :

1. D 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C

11.C 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.B

21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.C 28.B 29.A 30.A

31.D 32.A 33.A 34.D 35.C 36.C 37.D 38.C 39.B 40.B

41.D 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.D 46.A 47.B 48.B 49.D 50.B

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