Botany Important MCQ'S
2 years ago
Botany Important Questions For CEE Entrance Exam | Botany Important MCQ'S
1) Which structure of a plant cell is most closely associated with energy conversion react1ons of
aerobic respirat1on?
a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Ribosome
d. hloroplast
2) Which are the chief nutrient groups involved is the growth & repair
of like all membrane?
a. Fats & Vitamins
c. vitamins & enzymes
b. proteins & lipids
d. carbohydrates and water
3) Cell theory was propounded by
a. Schleidan & Schwann
c. Darwin & Wallace
b. Wastson & Crick
d. Mendel & Morgan
4) Physical basis of life is
a. Nucleus b. Cell c. Protoplasm d. DNA
5) Electron microscope was invented by
a. Knoll & Ruska b. Flemming & Brown
c. Flemming d. Rovert Brown
6) The term “Cell” is given by
a. leave wenhoet b. Robert Hooke
c. Flemming d. Rovert Brown
7) One molecule pyruvic acid contains:
a. 3-c atom b. 2-c atom c. 4-c atom d. 5-c atom
8) Hydrolytic enzymes are abundant in
a. peroxisomes b. microsomes
d. lysosomes d. lomasome
9) Autolysis is related to
a. Lysosome
c. Phagosomeb. Microsome
d. Centrosome
10)GoIgi apparstus take part in
a. protein Synthesis b. Lipid Synthesis
c. Carbohydrate Synthesis
d. Oxidative Phosporylafion
11) The number of reducfion divisions required to produce 100 seeds is
a. 100 b. 25 c. 125 d.200
12) Virus was discovered by
a. K.M. Smith b. E.C. Stakman c. W.M. Stanley
d. D. Jawan0pwski
13) Enzymes are absent in
a. bacteria b. fungi c. viruses d. slime nouldo
14) Protein coat of virus is known as
a. capsid b. vron
c. bacterial wall d. virod
15) Mature virus parficle is
a. Virion b. Viricide d. Poplomer
16) Anhbiohcs are mostly obtained from
a. Bacteria b. Viruses c. Angiosporms d. Algae
17) Bacteria reproduce
a. Asexually only b. Sexually only
c.Mostly Asexually d. Mostly Sexually
18) Bacteria bearing flagella allover the body are called
a. Perltrichous b. Atrichous
c. Monotrichow d. Cephalotrichous
19) Of the following which is not a bacterial action
a. Nitrogen Fixation b. Emulsification of Fat
c. Sewage disposal d.Ripening of cream
20) The most common method of reproduction in bacteria is
a. Budding b. Fission
c. Endospore Formation d. Conjugation
21) If a hemophilic man marries a normal lady, the oPspring will be
a. All Haemophilic b. All Normal
c. Haemophilic Daughter d.Haemophilic Sons
22) In bacteria, the site for respirañon acñvity is
a. Episome b. Microsome c. R1bosome
d. Mesosome
23) Pasteurizat1on is performed at
a. 100° for 15 min b. 82°c for 30 min
c.72° for 20 min d. 62° for 30 min
24) Bacteria is not used in the format1Dn of
a. Curd b. Vinegar c. Lactic Acid
d. Cheese/bread
2S) Pept1doglycan is present in
a. Gram Negat1ve Bacteria b. Gram Positive Bacteria
c. All Bacteria d. Only some Bacteria
26) The filamentous bacteria are termed
a. Spirochactas b. Act1nocetes
c. Myxomycetes d. Eubacteria
27) Iodine is obtained from
a. Laminaria b. Ulothrix
c. Extoearpus d.Oedogonium
28) The branch of botany which deals with algae is known as
a. Microbiology b. Mycology
c. Taxonomy d.PhycoIagy
29) Pond silk is common name of
a. Ulothrix b. Spirogyra c. Vaucheria d. None
30) High concentration of C02 around leaf results
a. Opening of stomata b. Closing of stomata
c.No effect on stomata opening d. None
31)Sexual reproduction is absent in
a. Ulothrix b. Volvax c. Nostoc d. Sprirogyra
32) Kelp is obtained from
a. Algae b. Marine Algae c. Aquatic Algae d. Lichers
33) The plants which never bear seeds are grouped under
a. Cryplogams b. Phanerogams
c. Embryophyta d. Bacheophyta
34) Cyanobacteria is a new name of
a. Blue Green Algae
c. Mycoplasma
b. Myxomycetes
d. Schizomycetes
35)Common bread mould is
a. Aspergillus
c. Erysiphe
b. Penicillium
d. Rhizopus
36) Fungi can be stained by
a. CoNon Blue b. Safranine c. Glycerin
d. Lactophenol
37) Fungal cell wall is composed of
a. Chitin & Nemicellulose b.Lipid & Protein
c. Cellulose d. Protein only
38) Black mold is the common name for
a. Mucor b. Neurospora c. Aspergillus
d. Penicillium
39)TotaI root parasite is
a. Loranthus b. RaMesia c. Viscum d. Cuscuta
40)One of the following is used for sterilizing culture media:
a. Incubafion b. Refrigerator c.ThermosIat
d. Autoclave
41)Yeast is include in
a. Phycomycetes
b. Ascomycetes
d. Deuteromycetes
42) Litmus is obtained from
a. Algae b. Fungus c. Lichen d. Bacteria
43) Protonema is a sage in the lifecycle of
a. Riccia b. Funaria c. All Bryophiges
d. Marchantia
44) The reproductive part in the sporophyte of funaria plant is the
a. Capsule b. Foot c. Seta d. Leaf
45) The lower bryophytes are called
a.Liverworts b. Mosses c. Ferns d. None
Botany Important Questions For Common Medical Entrance
46) Transfer of pollens from anther to stiema of different flowef on other plant is called
a. Autogramy b. Geitonogamy c.Xenogamy
d. None
47)ChloropIast are present in the spores of
a.Yeast b. Funaria c. Rhi2opus d. Green Algae
48) Fern prothallus is
a. Homothallic b. Heterothallic c. Heterotrophic
d. heteromorphic
49) The distinct alternation of generation is found in
a. Rhizopus b. Ulothrix c. Hucor d.Peteris
50)Spore bearing leaf is called a
a. Ramentum b. Indusium c. Sorus d. Sporophyll
51) Horsetail is the common name of
a. Marsilea b.Equisetum c. Selaginella
d. Dryopteris
52)Which of the following is fossil?
a. Rhynia b. Psilotuln c. Selaginella d. Pteris
53) In pteridophyti2S, the spores are
a. polyploid b. Triploid c. Diploid d. Haploid
54) Botanical snakes are
a. Algae b. Fungi c. Bryophytes d. Pteridophytes
55) A frond refers to the leaves of
a. Funaria b. Cycas c. Ferns d. Flowering Plants
56)Which of the following is a living fossil?
a. Linus b.Cyca5 c. Cactus d. Saleginella
57) Pollination in cycas is by
a. Wind b. Water c. Insect
d. Man
58) Red wood tree is
a. Cedrus b. Pinus
c. Dalberigia d. Sequoia
59)Coralloid roots are found in
a. Cycas b. Dryuopteris c. Pinus d. Lycopodium
60)Turpentine is obtained from
a. Pinus b. Cycas c. Cedrus d. Gretum
61)One of the following is a gymnosperm with vessels
a. Cycas b. Pinus c. Gnetum d. Taxus
62) Instrument for measuring rate of transpiration is
a. Hygrometer b. Potometer c. Lactometer
d. Auxanometer
63) The final electron acceptor n ETS of kerb's cycle is
a. H 0 b. 0, c. CO, d. none
64)AesJ?vation of calyx is caesalpinacea is
a. Valua b. lmbricated c. Twisted d. Quincunical
65) Cyathium is a type of
a. Phyothaxy b. Placentahon c. Inflorescence
d. Fruit
66) The site for respiratory acñvity in bacteria is
a. Mesosomes b. Episome c. Ribosome
d. Cell wall
67) Dead cells are interconnected by
a. Pits
c. Cell Membrane
b. Plasmodesmata
d. Desmotubele
68) Meiosis in thallophytes is
a. Zygotic b. Sporic c. Gamet1c d. None
69) The germination of seeds inside the fruit itself is described as
a. Ovipary b. Vivipary
c. Cpigeal Germinañon d. Hypogcal Germination
70) In stem the xylem is usually
a. Endarch b. Polyarch
c. Mesarch d. Exarch
71) A seed with no diPerentiation of colyledous is found in
a. Salanum b. Cuscuta c. Onion d. Risainus
72)Cork cells are impervious to water mostly because of presence of
a. Cutin b. Suberin c. Lignin d. Chitin
73) Periderm includes
a. Cork b. Cork cambium & Cork
c. Cork cambium, Cork & Secondary Cortex
d. Cork & Secondary Phloem
74) Resin & turpent1ne are obtained from the wood of
a. Conifers b. Cycods c. Ferns d.none
75) What is the scientific name of watermelon
a. Citrus sp. b. Citrullus canatusc.
c. Vit1s vinifera d. Juglans regia
76)ChiIgoza is the edible seed of
a. Cycas b. Pine c. Eucalyptus d. Dalbergia
77) are colorless plastids
a. Chromoplast b. Chloroplast c. Leucoplast
d. None
78)GlycoIysis takes place in
a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Cytoplasm
d. Membrane
79)Cross over takes place during
a. Leptotene b. Zygotene c. Pachytene
d. Diplotene
80)Study of flora & fauna are under
a. Ecology b. Meteorology c. Microbiology
d. Biochemistry
81)Syngenecious anther means
a. Filament free anther united
b. Anther united filament free
c.Anther& Filament free
d. Anther & Filament fused
82.carpel of a angiosperms are equivalent to
a. Sporophyll b. Sporangia c. Spores d. Zygospores is obtained from silkworm during
a. Larva b. Pupa c. Egg d. Adult
84) The shade loving plants are called
a. Nocturnal b. Heliophytes c. Microtherm
d. Sciophytes
85) During anaerobic respiration net gain of ATP is
a. 3 b. 3 c. 2 d. 8
86) Monocot plant with secondary growth is
a. Yucca b. Maize c. Wheat d. Rice
87) The point of axachment of chromosome at the time of crossing over is
a. Synapsis b. Chiasmata c. Disjunction
d. Terminalizaton
88)SmaIIest cell organelle is
a. Ribosome b. Mitochondria c. Plastid d. Nucleus
89) Protein factory of cell is
a. Mitochondria
c. Endoplasmic Reticulum
b. Lysosomes
d. Ribosomes
90)VascuIar bundle in cucurbits are
a. conjoint b. Collateral
c. Conjoint & Collateral d. Collateral & Closed
91) When the filaments of stamens are fused to form a single group. It is,
a. Monotrichous b. Diadelphous
c. Syngenesous d. Polyadelphous
92) Bacteria having a tuR of flagella at one side is
a. Monotrichous b.Lophotrichous
c.Amphitrichous d. Peritrichous
93) Which hormone is primarily concerned with cell division in plants?
a. IAA b. Gibberelin c. ABA d. Cytokinin
94) When a hybrid Ft generation is crossed with the homozygous
recessive parents, it is called as
a. Monotrybrid Cross b. Dihybrid Cross
c. Back Cross d. Test Cross
95) Study of age of dicot plant by annual ring is called
a. Dendrology b. Agrostology
c. Dendrochronology d. Anthology
96) Phloem Parenchyma is absent on
a. Dicot Stem
c. Monocot Root
b. Dicot Root
d. Monocot Stem