40. तलका मध्ये कुन hepatitis लाई Post transfusion hepatitis पनि भनिन्छ ?
(A) Hepatitis A
(B) Hepatitis B
(C) Hepatitis C
(D) Hepatitis D
43. Gastric acid को उत्पादन कुन कुराले stimulate हुन्छ ?
(A) Histamine
(B) Food in mouth
(C) Gastrin
(D) All of the above
45. Hydatid disease को infective stage कुन हो ?
(A) Third stage larva
(B) Hexacanth embryo
(C) Filifariform larva
(D) Embryonated eggs
46. One of the most common killer disease in children is:
(A) Diarrhoeal disease
(B) Acute respiratory infection
(C) Malnutrition
(D) Poliomyelitis
47. Cullen's sign is seen in:
(A) Acute arthritis
(B) Acute cholicystitis
(C) Acute pancreatitis
(D) Acute appendicitis
48. Which vitamin is also known as anti-ageing vitamin:
(A) Vitamin D
(B) Vitamin B2
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin E
49. The best index of air pollution is:
(A) Carbondioxide
(B) Sulphur dioxide
(C) Carbon monoxide
(D) Hydrocarbon
Answer Key of ANM Loksewa Exam Model Questions :
1. Ans (b) • Crypts of lieberkuhn is found in mucosal layer at the base of
villi to secreats intestinal juice called succus entericus. • Bartholin glands also called vestibular gland is found in near
to vaginal orifice secrete thick, viscous alkaline fluid.
Stomach consists of gastric gland secretes gastric juice.
2. Ans (c)
• Carbonic anhydrase is found in erythrocytes. • Platelets are formed from megakaryocytes.
• Carbonic enzyme is fastest enzyme in the world.
3. Ans (b) • Mitochondria is also called power house of cells.
It contains electron transfer system. Smallest cells are present in kidney. Cells was discovered by Robert hooke but free cells are discovered by A.V. leeuwenhoek. Bacteria and protozoa was first discovered by A.V.
leewenhoek but father of bacteriology is Robert Koch.
4. Ans (a)
Acetabulum articulates with the head of femur. Each half of pelvic girdle is called OS innominatum which consists of ilium, ischium and pubis. Between pubis and ischium there is an obturator foramen. Obturator foramen is the largest foramen of body. Pubis doesn't take part in the formation of acetabulum because of the (+)nce of cotyloid bone between ilium and
5. Ans (b)
Antibodies are produced by lymphocytes. Lymphocyte regulate the defense mechanism in body. Plasma cells are modified form of B-cells which are known as
'cart wheel cell'. Thery also produce antibodies. • Spleen is the largest lymphatic organ.
6. Ans (d)
• Vagus is the only cranial nerve with its supply in the
abdominal region. Vomiting during long distance travelling is due to stimulation of vagus nerve. Vagus nerve supplies to entire part of stomach and a smaller
part of intestine.
7.Ans (c)
• Hand washing is performed before any procedure, when
setting up a sterile field.
8.Ans (c)
9. Ans (b)
10. Ans (c)
11. Ans (B)
12.Ans (d)
13. Ans (b)
• नेपालमा विस्तारित खोप कार्यक्रम २०३४ सालमा ३ वटा जिल्लाबाट सुरु भएको हो।
14.Ans (b)
• तराईको स्वास्थ्य चौकिमा ३ जना अ.हे.ब. तथा २ जना अ.न.मि. गरेर जम्मा ५ जनाको
दरबधि हुन्छ।
15.Ans (d)
Possible Severe Bacterial Infection हुनको लागि निम्न चिन्हहरु मध्ये कुनै एक हुन्नुपर्दछ। कम्पन छ वा छिटो छिटो सास फेर्छ (१ मिनेटमा ६० वा सो भन्दा बढी) वा कडा किसिमले कोखा हानेको वा नाकको पोरा फुल्ने गरेको वा
कनेको वा
शिशुको तालु उक्सेको वा कानबाट पीप बगेको वा नाइटोको रातोपना छाला सम्म फैलिएको वा ज्वरोध (३७.५ से भन्दा बढी छ छाम्दा तातो वा कम तापक्रम (३५.५ से भन्दा कम वा छाम्दा चिसो वा छालामा धेरै फोकाहरू (१० भन्दा बढी वा ठूलो पिलो सुस्त वा बेहोस छ वा चलाई सामान्य भन्दा कम
पटक्कै दूध चुस्न नसक्ने
16.Ans (c)
-All methods CPR: 53%
- Modern method CPR: 43% and Traditional Methods CPR:
17. Ans: (b)
यदि गर्भ रहेको २० हप्ता पछि, प्रसव व्यथा लागेको बखत र/अथवा प्रसूति भएको ४८ घण्टा भित्रमा उक्त रक्तचाप (Hypertension) देखा परेमा त्यसप्रकारको रक्तचापलाई Pregnancy induced hypertension भनिन्छ। यदि गर्भ रहेको २० हप्ता भन्दा अगाडि उच्च रक्तचाप देखा परेमा त्यसलाई जीर्ण उच्च
रक्तचाप (Chronic hypertension) भनिन्छ।
18. Ans (c)
19. Ans (c)
20. Ans (c)
21. Ans (c)
22. Ans: (B)
___ गर्भ रहेको २२ हप्ता पछि भएको रक्तश्राव र बेला बेलामा रोकिदै फेरि फर्कदै गरेको वा