+2 Science Entrance Exam Model Questions | CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

+2 Science Entrance Exam Model Questions | CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

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+2 Science Entrance Exam Model Questions | CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

+2 Science Entrance Exam Model Questions | CTEVT Entrance Exam Model Questions

1.Tapeworm has no digestive system because:

a) it is a parasite  b) it lives in intestine  c) it doesn’t need food  d) it absorbs its food from general body surface

Ans: 4

2. Flatworms are devoid of:

a) Circulatory system  b) Respiratory system  c) Skeletal system  d) All of the above

Ans: 4

3. The space between body wall and alimentary canal of Ascaris is known as:

a) Haemocoel   b) Coelom   c) Pseudocoel  d) None

Ans: 3

4. Which of the class of phylum arthropoda has no antennae?

a) Crustacea  b) Myriapoda  c) Insecta  d) Arachnida

Ans: 4

5. Cuticle of Ascaris is an adaptation for:

a) Parasitism  b) Growth   c) Reproduction  d) Locomotion

Ans: 1

6. Blood do not transport oxygen in:

a) Cockroach   b) Bird   c) Earthworm   d) Rabbit 

Ans: 1

7. Insects are active because:

a) They are small    b) They have open vasculation    c) They have developed respiratory organs  d) They are adapted for flight

Ans: 3

8. Vector insects are which:

a) Spread diseases    b) Destroy crops    c) Spoil soil    d) Act as Scavengers

Ans: 1

9. Kala-azar disease in transmitted by:

a) House fly  b) Bed bug   c) Louse   d) Sand fly

Ans: 4

10. Pupa of butterfly is called as:

a) Caterpillar  b) Chrysalis  c) Imago  d) Nymph

Ans: 2

11. A centipede has:

a) 50-100 legs   b) 100 legs  c) As many legs as body segments  d) As many pairs of legs as body segment except the (a)

Ans: 4

12. Which disease is caused by a nematode?

a) Amoebiasis  b) Filariasis  c) Tuberculosis   d) Leprosy

Ans: 2

13. The body of all vertebrates is:

a) Bilaterally symmetrical   b) Radially symmetrical  c) Spherically symmetrical   d) Asymmetrical

Ans: 1

14. Water vascular system is found in:

a) Porifera   b) Annelida   c) Mollusca  d) Echinodermata

Ans: 4

15. What would you call the study of fishes? 

a) Ichthyology   b) Herpetology   c) Ornithology   d) Mammalogy

Ans: 1

16. In the larva of frog the respiration is carried out by:

a) Gills   b) Lungs  c) Skin  d) Skin & gills

Ans: 4

17. Which one of the following is a virviparous snake?

a) Bungarus  b) Naja naja  c) Natrix   d) Vipera

Ans: 4

18. Snakes lack:

a) Limbs   b) Girdles  c) Eyelids  d) All of above

Ans: 4

19. Which is the common character between all the mammals?

a) They are viviparous  b) They are herbivorous   c) They are carnivorous  d) They have 7 cervical vertebrae

Ans: 4

20. Birds are characterized by the presence of:

a) Wings  b) Feathers   c) Beak  d) Four chambered heart

Ans: 2

21. Octopus belongs to which phylum?

a) Echinodermata  b) Arthropoda  d) Mollusca  d) Porifera

Ans: 3

22. Helix is the name of:

a) Apple snail   b) Garden snail   c) Snail   d) Slug

Ans: 2

23. Anus is situated in the last segment in:

a) Annelids   b) Chordates  c) Non-chordates  d) Vertebrates

Ans: 1

24. Bones present in our wrist are:

a) Carpals   b) Trasals  c) Humerus  d) Metacarpals

Ans: 1

25. Which of the following is warm blooded animal?

a) Rabbit  b) Turtle  c) Frog  d) Fish

Ans: 1

26. Science dealing with the study of fishes is known as:

a) Saurology  b) Arthrology  c) Herpetology  d) Ichthyology

Ans: 4

27. Biomes are:

a) Major ecological groupings of animals and plants 

b) Major ecological grouping of plants

c) Aquatic vegetation

d) All of the above

Ans: 1

28. Paleontology is the study of:

a) Birds  b) Bones   c) Breasts  d) Fossils

Ans: 4

29. Branch of zoology dealing with study of behaviour of animals is:

a) Sociology   b) Ethology   c) Ecology  d) Ichthyology

Ans: 2

30. Relation between malaria and mosquito was discovered by:

a) Ronald Ross  b) William Harvey   c) Pasteur  d) A. Laveran

Ans: 1

31. Piscivorous fishes feed on:

a) Jelly fish   b) Globe fish c) Fish   d) Mollusca

Ans: 3

32. Co-worker of Darwin was

a) Mendel   b) Wallace   c) Bateson   d) Lamarck

Ans: 2

33. Learning is realted to:

a) Hypothalamus   b) Cerebellum  c) Cerebrum   d) Medulla

Ans: 3

34. Number of cramial nerves in man is:

a) 10  b) 10 pairs   b) 12  c) 12 pairs

Ans: 4

35. Largest number of cells are found in:

a) Brain   b) Spinal cord   c) Retina   d) Tongue

Ans: 1

36. The study of interaction between living organisims and their environment is called:

a) Phytogeography  b) Ecology  c) Phytosociology  d) Ecosystem

Ans: 2

37. Number of spinal nerves in human beings is:

a) 12 pairs   b) 33 pairs   c) 31 pairs   d) 37 pairs

Ans: 3

38. Growth hormone is produced in:

a) Thyroid  b) Adrenal  c) Gonads   d) Pituitary

Ans: 4

39. Pancreas secretes:

a) Insulin   b) Insulin   c) Insulin   d) All of these

Ans: 4

40. Clocal aperture is present in one of the following:

a) Frog   b) Earthworm   c) Cockroach   d) Rabbit

Ans: 1

41. Branch of Biology dealing with distribution of plants on earths surface is called:

a) Phytogeography   b) Phytosociology   c) Ecology   d) Phytology

Ans: 1

42. A community is:

a) Autotrophs and heterotrophs   b) A collection of plants and animals    c) Organisms living in a habitat   d) Web of life

Ans: 3

43. Autecology refers to:

a) Effect of soil on vegetation   b) The ecological study of individual organisms   c) Effect of precipitation on vegetation   d) Effect of temperature on vegetation

Ans: 2

44. In an aqueous environment microscopic animals and plants are collectively known as:

a) Planktons   b) Commensals   c) Herbivores  d) Flora and fauna

Ans: 1

45. Graphic representation of relationship between the producers and the consumers in an ecosystem is known as:

a) Ecological niche   b) Ecological pyramid c) Ecological system d) Trophic levels

Ans: 2

46. All the living organisms of the earth constitute:

a) Biosphere   b) Community   c) Association   d) Population

Ans: 1

47. Abiotic component of an ecosystem is:

a) Bacteria b) Daphnia c) Water d) Chlorella

Ans: 3

48. With regard to ecological food chain, man is a:

a) Producer  b) Consumer  c) Both producer and consumer   d) Producer and decomposer

Ans: 2

49. The type of reproduction common in prokaryotes is:

a) Sexual   b) Asexual   c) Both   d) None

Ans: 2

50. Green photosynthetic sporogonium is found in:

a) Fern  b) Funaria  c) Marchantia   d) Bryophyta

Ans: 2

11 Science Entrance Exam Model Questions

1. Selective accumulation of iodine occurs in:

  a) Intestine  b) Thymus  c) Thyroid  d) Liver

  Ans. 3

2. Sympathetic nervous system is also called as:

  a) Central nervous system

  b) Peripheral nervous system

  c) Autonomous nervous system

  d) None

  Ans. 3

3. Which one of the following diseases results from endocrine disorder?

  a) Pneumonia   b) Goitre   c) Typhoid   d) Jaundice

   Ans. 2

4. In rabbit, the digestion of cellulose takes place in:

  a) Colon   b) Ileum  c) Caecum   d) Rectum

  Ans. 3

5. The structure which prevents the entry of food into respiratory tract is:

   a) Larynx  b) Pharynx  c) Glottis  d) Epiglottis

   Ans. 4

6. Fat soluble vitamins are:

  a) A, D, & E

  b) B, C, and D

  c) B and C

  d) A, B and C

  Ans. 1

7. Rickets is a kind of:

   a) Communicable disease

   b) Deficiency disease

   c) Genetic disease

   d) Infective disease

   Ans. 2

8. Liver secretes:

   a) No enzymes   b) Digestive enzymes  c) Hormones   d) Succus entericus

   Ans. 1

9. Which is the element that hardens the tooth enamel?

  a) Calcium   b) Fluorine  c) Iodine  d) Sodium

  Ans. 2

10. Which one of the following is regarded as main cellular fuel?

  a) Protein  b) Fat   c) Fructose  d) Glucose

   Ans. 4

11. In man, the bile juice secreted per day is:

  a) 250ml   b) 600ml    c) 1000ml   d) 1500ml

  Ans. 2

12. A vitamin formed in skin upon exposure to UV rays is vitamin:

   a) A  b) B2   c) C   d) D 

   Ans. 4

13. Plants are similar to animals because:

  a) They respire during night

  b) They respire during the day and night

  c) They respire when it is required

  d) They respire during the day only

  Ans. 2

14. Which one of the following acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland?

  a) Adrenal  b) Pancreas   c) Kidney  d) Liver

  Ans. 2

15. The most abundant substance in protoplasm is:

  a) Protein  b) Fat  c) Carbohydrate   d) Water

  Ans. 4

16. The metal associated with hemoglobin is:

  a) Sodium    b) Iron  c) Magnesium   d) Manganese

  Ans. 2

17. Which gas makes the most stable combination with Hb of RBC?

  a) CO2   b) CO   c) O2  d) N2

  Ans. 2

18. Urea is transported by:

   a) Plasma   b) Blood   c) RBC   d) WBC

   Ans. 1

19. Maximum absorption of water in mammals is in:

   a) Lungs   b) Skin   c) Kidney   d) Spleen

   Ans. 3

20. Which one of the followings, is not the excretory organ:

  a) Kidney  b) Liver   c) Lung   d) Spleen

  Ans. 4

+2 Science Entrance Exam Old Questions

1. Selective accumulation of iodine occurs in:

  a) Intestine  b) Thymus  c) Thyroid  d) Liver

  Ans. 3

2. Sympathetic nervous system is also called as:

  a) Central nervous system

  b) Peripheral nervous system

  c) Autonomous nervous system

  d) None

  Ans. 3

3. Which one of the following diseases results from endocrine disorder?

  a) Pneumonia   b) Goitre   c) Typhoid   d) Jaundice

   Ans. 2

4. In rabbit, the digestion of cellulose takes place in:

  a) Colon   b) Ileum  c) Caecum   d) Rectum

  Ans. 3

5. The structure which prevents the entry of food into respiratory tract is:

   a) Larynx  b) Pharynx  c) Glottis  d) Epiglottis

   Ans. 4

6. Fat soluble vitamins are:

  a) A, D, & E

  b) B, C, and D

  c) B and C

  d) A, B and C

  Ans. 1

7. Rickets is a kind of:

   a) Communicable disease

   b) Deficiency disease

   c) Genetic disease

   d) Infective disease

   Ans. 2

8. Liver secretes:

   a) No enzymes   b) Digestive enzymes  c) Hormones   d) Succus entericus

   Ans. 1

9. Which is the element that hardens the tooth enamel?

  a) Calcium   b) Fluorine  c) Iodine  d) Sodium

  Ans. 2

10. Which one of the following is regarded as main cellular fuel?

  a) Protein  b) Fat   c) Fructose  d) Glucose

   Ans. 4

11. In man, the bile juice secreted per day is:

  a) 250ml   b) 600ml    c) 1000ml   d) 1500ml

  Ans. 2

12. A vitamin formed in skin upon exposure to UV rays is vitamin:

   a) A  b) B2   c) C   d) D 

   Ans. 4

13. Plants are similar to animals because:

  a) They respire during night

  b) They respire during the day and night

  c) They respire when it is required

  d) They respire during the day only

  Ans. 2

14. Which one of the following acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland?

  a) Adrenal  b) Pancreas   c) Kidney  d) Liver

  Ans. 2

15. The most abundant substance in protoplasm is:

  a) Protein  b) Fat  c) Carbohydrate   d) Water

  Ans. 4

16. The metal associated with hemoglobin is:

  a) Sodium    b) Iron  c) Magnesium   d) Manganese

  Ans. 2

17. Which gas makes the most stable combination with Hb of RBC?

  a) CO2   b) CO   c) O2  d) N2

  Ans. 2

18. Urea is transported by:

   a) Plasma   b) Blood   c) RBC   d) WBC

   Ans. 1

19. Maximum absorption of water in mammals is in:

   a) Lungs   b) Skin   c) Kidney   d) Spleen

   Ans. 3

20. Which one of the followings, is not the excretory organ:

  a) Kidney  b) Liver   c) Lung   d) Spleen

  Ans. 4

These are most probable questions which are asked in Entrance Exam of reputed college of Nepal like St. Xavier, Budanilakantha, Premier, Texas, Kathmandu Model College, White House College, Pentagon , SOS , Amersing , KMC , Sagarmatha & Other Colleges .

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